List of Positive Words That Start With S [2024]
List of Positive Words That Start With S
Here is the list of more than Seven Hundred (700) positive words that start with S.
Sacrifice | Safe | Secure |
Sachem | Sacralise | Sacralization |
Sacralize | Sacred | Saccharine |
Sacrificial | Sacrificially | Sacring |
Sacrosanct | Sadhu | Sabbath |
Safe-bet | Safe-sex | Safe-guard |
Safe-house | Safe-keeping | Safely |
Safeness | Safe-period | Safety |
Safety-belt | Safety-cage | Safety-catch |
Safety-curtain | Safety-film | Safety-glass |
Safety-lamp | Safety-match | Safety-net |
Safety-pin | Safety-razor | Safety-use |
Safety-valve | Saga | Sagacious |
Sagaciously | Sagacity | Sagamore |
Saganaki | Sage | Sagely |
Sago | Sahib | Sail |
Saint | Saintliness | Saintly |
Saints-day | Salaam | Salary |
Sale | Saleable | Salient |
Salivate | Sally-Lunn | Saloon-car |
Salubrious | Salut | Salutary |
Salutation | Salutational | Salutatorian |
Salutatory | Salute | Salvage |
Salvation | Salvationist | Salve |
Samaritan | Samskara | Sanative |
Sanctification | Sanctified | Sanctifier |
Sanctify | Sanctifying | Sanctitude |
Sanctity | Sanctuary | Sanctum |
Sanctus | Sand-pit | Sandlot |
Sane | Sanely | Saneness |
Sangfroid | Sanguine | Sanguinely |
Sanguineness | Sanitarily | Sanitariness |
Sanitary | Sanitize | Sanity |
Santa-Claus | Sap | Sapid |
Sapidity | Sapience | Sapient |
Sapientia | Sapiential | Sapiently |
Sapling | Sardar | Sassy |
Sate | Satiable | Satiate |
Satiation | Satiety | Satisfaction |
Satisfactorily | Satisfactoriness | Satisfactory |
Satisfiability | Satisfiable | Satisfied |
Satisfies | Satisfy | Satisfying |
Satisfyingly | Satori | Satsang |
Satsanga | Saturated | Saturnalia |
Sauciness | Saucy | Sauna |
Saunter | Savant | Save |
Saver | Saving | Saving-grace |
Savings | Saviour | Savoir-faire |
Savor | Savory | Savour |
Savouring | Savory | Savvied |
Savvier | Savvies | Savviest |
Savvy | Savvying | Scamper |
Scenic | Scherzando | Scherzo |
Schmooze | Scholar | Scholarly |
Scholarship | School | Schoolmate |
Scintillating | Scintillatingly | Scintillation |
Scintillator | Scion | Scope |
Score | Scot-free | Scrappy |
Scream | Screamer | Scrummier |
Scrummiest | Scrummy | Scrumptious |
Scrumptiously | Scrumptiousness | Scrupulous |
Seamless | Seasonable | Seasoned |
Seaworthy | Secluded | Seclusion |
Second-Advent | Second-sight | Second-sighted |
Second-wind | SACD | Secured |
Securely | Security | Sedulity- |
Sedulous– | Sedulously– | Sedulousness- |
Selective | Self-affirmation | Self-analyzing |
Self-analysis- | Self-assertive | Self-assurance |
Self-awareness | Self-belief | Self-compassion |
Self-confidence | Self-confident- | Self-confidently- |
Self-consistency | Self-consistent | Self-control |
Self-controlled | Self-defense | Self-defensive |
Self-determination | Self-discipline | Self-discovery |
Self-esteem | Self-expression | Self-forgiveness |
Self-help | Self-kindness | Selfless |
Selflessness | Self-love | Self-protection |
Self-realization | Self-realization | Self-respect |
Self-sacrifice- | Self-satisfaction | Self-sufficiency |
Self-sufficient | Self-sufficient- | Self-sustained |
Self-sustaining | Self-taught self-worth | Selling-point- |
Sensation | Sensational | Sensationally |
Sensations | Sense | Sensibility |
Sensible | Sensibly | Sensitive |
Sensitivity | Sensitize | Sensuous |
Sentient | Sentimental | Sentimental-value |
Sequin | Serenade | Serenader |
Serendipitous | Serendipitously | Serendipity |
Serene | Serenity | Serious |
Seriously | Serve | Service |
Serviceable | Seventh-Day-Adventist | Sex-appeal |
Sex-bomb | Sex-symbol | Sexcentenary |
Sexiness | Sexpot | Sexy |
SFX | Sgraffito | Shabash |
Shabbat | Shabbos | Shalom |
Shapeliness | Shapely | Share |
Sharp | Sharp-featured | Sharper |
Sharpest | Sharp-witted | Shazam |
Sheen | Sheeniest | Sheeny |
Shekhinah | Shelter | Shimmering |
Shimmeringly | Shimmery | Shindig |
Shindy | Shine | Shiner |
Shine–shining | Shiningly | Shiny |
Significant | Silent | Simple |
Simpler | Simplest | Simplicity |
Simplified | Simplifies | Simplify |
Simplifying | Simply | Sincere |
Sincerely | Sincerity | Skilful |
Skilfully | Skill | Skilled |
Slammin | Sleek | Sleekly |
Sleekness | Sleeky | Sleep |
Slender | Slick | Sloane |
Sloaney | Sloe-eyed | Slumber-party |
Smarm | Smart | Smarten |
Smarter | Smartest | Smartly |
Smashing | Smile | Smiles |
Smiling | Smilingly | Smitten |
Smooch | Smoocher | Smooching |
Smoochy | Smoodge | Smooth |
Smoother | Smoothes | Smoothest |
Smoothie | Smoothly | Snappy |
Snazzily | Snazziness | Snazzy |
Snog | Snoot | Snug |
Snugged | Snuggery | Snugging |
Snuggle | Snugly | Snugness |
Snugs | Soar | Soaraway |
Soarer | Soaringly | Sober |
Sobriety | Sociable | Social |
Social-partner | Socialize | Socialization |
Socialize | Socializing | Soft |
Softer | Soft-hearted | Soft-heartedness |
Solace | Solatium | Soldier-of-Christ |
Solemn | Solemness | Solemnity |
Solemnize | Solemny | Solicitous |
Solicitously | Solicitude | Solid |
Solidarity | Solidary | Solidify |
Son-of-man | Songbird | Sonsy |
Sooth | Soothe | Soothingly |
Sophisticate | Sophisticated | Sorted |
Soteriology | Sought-after | Soul |
Soul-food | Soulful | Soulmate |
Sound | Soundly | Soundness |
Soundproof | Soup-kitchen | Souvenir |
Sovereign | Space | Spacious |
Spark | Sparkle | Sparkles |
Sparkling | Spearhead | Special |
Specialist | Specialty | Specialize |
Spectacular | Spectacularly | Speed-dating |
Speedily | Speedy | Spellbind |
Spellbinding | Spellbindingly | Spellbound |
Spending-Money | Spiff | Spiffing |
Spiffy | Spine-tingling | Spirit |
Spirited | Spiritual | Splendent |
Splendid | Splendidly | Splendiferous |
Splendour | Splurge | Spoil |
Spontaneity | Spontaneous | Sporty |
Spotless | Spotlessly | Sprauncy |
Sprightly | Sprung | Spry |
Spunk | Spunky | Square |
Square-meal | Squire | Stability |
Stabilization | Stabilize | Stabilizerstable |
Stablish | Stacked | Stage-struck |
Stag-night | Staid | Stainless |
Stand-alone | Standard-bearer | Standardize |
Standing-ovation | Standout | Starlet |
Starry | Star-spangled | Star-struck |
Star-studded | Start | Stately |
State-of-the-art | Statuesque | Stature |
Status | Staunch | Staunchly |
Staunchness | Staying-power | Steadfast |
Steadfastly | Steadfastness | Steadiest |
Steadiness | Steady | Steady-going |
Steel | Steely | Stellar |
Stellarly | Sterile | Sterilize |
Sterilizer | Sterling | Sthenic |
Still | Stimulant | Stimulate |
Stimulated | Stimulates | Stimulating |
Stimulation | Stimulative | Stimulus |
Stipend | Stipendiary | Stir |
Stirringly | Stocking-filler | Stoic |
Stoical | Stoked | Stolid |
Stong-hold | Stonker | Stoosh |
Stout | Stout-hearted | Straight |
Straight-flush | Straight-up | Straighten |
Straightforward | Strategic | Streak |
Streamline | Streamlined | Street-legal |
Street-smart- | Street-wise | Strength |
Strengthen | Stride | Striking |
Strikingly | Stringent | Strive |
Striving | Stroke | Strong |
Stronger | Strongest | Strong-suit |
Stud | Studious | Studly |
Studmuffin | Study | Stunned |
Stunning | Stunningly | Stupendous |
Stupendously | Sturdier | Sturdy |
Style | Stylish | Stylishly |
Stylized | Suave | Suavely |
Sublime | Subsidize | Subsidized |
Subsidizes | Subsidizing | Substantial |
Substantially | Substantiate | Substantive |
Subtilize | Subtilize | Subvent |
Subvention | Succeed | Succeeded |
Succeeder | Succeeding | Succeeds |
Success | Success-story | Successes |
Successful | Successfully | Succinct |
Succinctly | Succulent | Suffice |
Sufficed | Suffices | Sufficiency |
Sufficient | Sufficiently | Sugar |
Sugar-dumpling | Suitable | Suitably |
Summa-cum-laude | Sumptuosity | Sumptuous |
Sumptuously | Sumptuousness | Sunbathe |
Sunday-best | Sun-kissed | Sunniness |
Sunny | Sunshine | Suntan |
Super | Superabundant | Superabundantly |
Superb | Superbly | Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious |
Superconscious | Superfine | Superfly |
Superhero | Superhuman | Superior |
Superiority | Superlative | Superman |
Superpower | Supple | Supply |
Support | Supported | Supporter |
Supporting | Supportive | Supportively |
Supportiveness | Supports | Supremacy |
Supreme | Supremely | Supremo |
Sure | Sure-fire | Sure-footed |
Surety | Surfie | Surmount |
Surpass | Surprised | Surreal |
Survival | Survive | Survivor |
Sustain | Sustainability | Sustainable |
Sustained | Sustenance | Sustentation |
Svelte | Swag | Swagger |
Swaggy | Swain | Swank |
Swankier | Swankiest | Swanky |
Swaraj | Swashbuckler | Swashbuckling |
Sweep | Sweeping | Sweet |
Sweeten | Sweet-william | Sweetener |
Sweetheart | Sweetie | Sweetie-pie |
Sweeting | Sweetly | Sweetness |
Swell | Swift | Swiftness |
Swoop | Swoon | Sympathetic |
Sympathetically | Sympathize | Sympathizer |
Sympathy | Sync | Synergist |
Synergy | Systematic | Syzygy |
Saccharine extremely sweet; syrupy; having characteristics of sugar or saccharin.
Sacred worthy of respect or veneration (especially religious).
Sacrosanct sacred; inviolable.
Safe secure of free from danger, harm, risk or evil.
Sagacious acutely wise and insightful; having a sound judgment.
Sage showing or having profound wisdom or judgment; wise.
Saintlike characterized or marked by utter benignity.
Saintly of or pertaining to a saint; saintlike.
Salient prominent; conspicuous; jumping; springing; projecting or pointing outwards.
Salubrious healthy; health-giving.
Salutary healthful; wholesome; beneficial; profitable.
Salutiferous healthy; salutary; beneficial; remedial; medicinal.
Sanctified declared, made or believed to be holy; sanctimonious.
Sanctimonious holy; sacred; saintly.
Sanctioned approved or established by authority.
Sanguine confidently cheerful and optimistic; having a healthy reddish color.
Sapid tasty or full of flavor; pleasing to the mind or taste.
Sapient acutely wise and insightful; sage.
Saporific producing or having the power to produce sensation of taste, flavor or relish.
Sassy spirited and lively; bold; jaunty; chic; stylish.
Satisfactory producing or giving satisfaction; adequate; sufficient.
Satisfied filled with satisfaction, pleasure or enjoyment.
Satisfying that gratifies, satisfies, comforts or pleases; convincing.
Saucy lively and bold; sexually suggestive or pleasing.
Saving rescuing; preserving; frugal.
Savory appetizing to the smell or taste; piquant; ethically or morally acceptable.
Savvy well-informed, perceptive or shrewd.
Scenic affording or constituting pleasing views of natural features; picturesque.
Scholarly of or pertaining to a scholar.
Scientific of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.
Scintillant of or pertaining to science; methodical; systematic; precise.
Scrumptious splendid; delicious; delectable; fine; first-rate.
Scrupulous exact; precise; careful; nice.
Seamless smooth; perfectly coherent and consistent; moving easily.
Seasonal being used or occurring in a specific season.
Seasoned experienced; having had spices or herbs added.
Second-to-none best.
Secure free from danger, harm, risk or fear; reliable; assured; certain.
Sedulous diligent in pursuit or application; constant; steady; assiduous.
Seemly of pleasing and beautiful appearance; handsome; suitable; appropriate.
Select refined or careful in making choices; of special value or quality; top-notch.
Self-assertive determined advancement of one’s own views, wishes or personality.
Self-assured showing or having confidence and poise; self-reliant.
Self-confident confident of one’s own ability, strength or powers.
Self-disciplined be in control of one’s own actions and abilities.
Self-made having achieved success by one’s own efforts.
Self-sacrificing willing to help others by giving up own interests, feelings and the like.
Self-starting resourceful and energetic.
Self-sufficient independent; able to provide and help oneself without help of others.
Selfless unselfish.
Sensational outstanding; spectacular; exceptionally good.
Sensible appreciable; easily or readily perceived; aware intellectually or intuitively.
Sensitive capable of perceiving with a senses or sense; displaying or having a delicate and quick appreciation of others feelings; responsive to stimuli or external conditions; quick to respond or detect to changes, actions or signals.
Sensual exciting or gratifying (especially sexually); voluptuous.
Sensuous gratifying or appealing to the senses.
Sentimental extravagantly or affectedly emotional; romantic.
Sequacious observing or having a logical sequence; ductile; manageable; following.
Serendipitous discovered or happening by chance in a beneficial or happy way; favorable.
Serene calm; placid; undisturbed; peaceful; clear; unclouded; without anxiety or worry.
Service intended for use in serving or supplying.
Set established or fixed by agreement; intentional; ready.
Settled established; fixed; steadfast; stable; resolved; decided.
Sexual of or pertaining to sex; capable of sexual reproduction; symbolizing or implying erotic activity or desires.
Sexy characterized by or tending to arouse sexual interest or desire; beautiful.
Shapely having a distinct or pleasant shape; well-formed; fit; suitable.
Sharp having clear detail and form; intellectually keen; exact; precise; intense; attractive or stylish.
Shatterproof resistant to shattering.
Sheen beautiful; attractive; resplendent; shining.
Shining characterized by exceptional merit; splendid; brilliant; radiant; distinguished; emitting or reflecting light; polished.
Shiny radiating or reflecting light; bright; having a shiny and smooth surface; glossy; excellent; remarkable.
Shipshape well-arranged; organized; neat; trim; tidy.
Showy aesthetically pleasing; flashy; brilliant; stylish; striking.
Shrewd keen; sharp; knowledgeable; satirical.
Sightly visually pleasing and appealing; scenic; conspicuous.
Significant meaningful; important; notable n. something that is significant.
Silken having a gleaming, smooth, soft and/or reflective surface; luxurious; delicately pleasing.
Silky of or pertaining to silk; silken; lustrous; soft, smooth and gleaming.
Silver bright, resplendent and white; precious; melodious, clear and gentle (especially sound); eloquent.
Silver-toned melodious and clear; silvery in shade or color.
Silvery resembling silver in appearance, color and luster; melodious clear and gentle.
Simple easy; plain; straightforward; direct; innocent; humble.
Sincere truthful; earnest; pure; genuine; whole; perfect; unhurt or uninjured.
Sinewy powerful; strong; muscular; firm.
Singular unique; distinct; remarkable; unusual.
Sisterly like a sister; affectionate.
Sizable fairly large; relatively good or suitable.
Sizzling very passionate, exciting or interesting (especially emotionally).
Skillful showing or having skill; talented.
Skilled showing or having skill; expert; talented.
Sleek smooth; glossy; healthy; thriving.
Slick smooth and efficient; glossy; shrewd.
Slinky graceful or sexually attractive in movement; fitting closely or perfectly to the lines of body (especially of a garment).
Smacking vigorous; brisk; lively; smart.
Smart bright; clever; fashionable; elegant; well-dressed.
Smashing impressive, wonderful or very good.
Smiley cheerful; smiling; happy.
Smiling smiling with optimism or happiness.
Smooth having a fine texture or quality; calm; having a pleasant flavor; lacking difficulties.
Snap easy; simple; done or made suddenly.
Snappy energetic; lively; brisk; sharp; smart; tidy; chic; fashionable.
Snazzy fashionable; flashy; elegant; stylish; attractive; excellent or clever (especially in behavior or execution).
Snod smooth; trimmed; neat; sleek; well-organized.
Snug cozy; comfortable; safe; secure; well-constructed.
Soaring ascending or rising to a level markedly higher than the usual.
Sociable friendly, affable and pleasant; inviting; associable.
Social spent in, enjoy or marked by friendly companionship or relations; sociable.
Societal of or pertaining to the society.
Soft smooth; fine; affectionate; attracted; tender; easy; calm.
Soft-hearted very responsive, sympathetic or generous in spirit; gentle; tender; kind.
Soigne well-groomed and polished; elegant; fashionable.
Solicitous eager; interested; careful; avoiding anything evil.
Solid whole; firm; sound; reliable; strong; substantial; hearty; excellent; first-rate.
Sonsy having a healthy and attractive appearance; fortunate; lucky; happy; thriving; plump; buxom.
Sooth real; true; smooth; soft.
Soothing giving relief or comfort.
Sophisticated aving worldly knowledge and experience; cosmopolitan; elegant; refined; appealing or suitable.
Sought-after popular; desired; searched.
Soulful full of emotion or feeling; expressive of emotion.
Sound thorough; complete; firm; safe; secure; trustworthy; upright.
Souped-up modified to increase power, efficiency or attractiveness (especially mechanically).
Sovereign supreme; paramount; independent.
Spacious roomy; large or vast in extent.
Spangly sparkly; glittering; covered with jewels, beads and/or sequins.
Spanking swift and energetic; fresh and brisk; remarkable.
Sparkling glittering; flashing; brilliant; lively.
Sparkly lively; high-spirited; vivacious; glittery.
Special surpassing what is usual or common; exceptional; extra.
Spectacular worthy of special notice; amazing; impressive; sensational.
Specular having a properties and qualities of a mirror; smooth and reflecting.
Speedy swift; quick; hasty; prompt; ready.
Spellbinding fascinating; attracting.
Spicy lively; high-spirited; zesty; piquant; sexy; aromatic.
Spiffy stylish; well-dressed; fine; dapper.
Spirited full of vigor, life or courage; lively.
Spiritual not material or tangible; sacred; supernatural.
Splendid brilliant with color or light; radiant; splendor and very beautiful; showy; very good; magnificent; pompous; famous; celebrated.
Splendiferous splendid; beautiful; gorgeous; brilliant.
Spontaneous happening or arising from natural feeling or native tendency; done without planning; sudden.
Sport appropriate for use in sports or athletic activities.
Sporting of or pertaining to sports.
Sportive frolicsome; playful; merry; sporty.
Sporty jazzy; flashy; exhibiting sportsmanship or fair play.
Spot delivered, made or paid immediately.
Spotless perfectly clear or clean; free from blemish or impurity; immaculate; neat.
Sprightly full of vitality and spirit; lively; brisk; vivacious; energetic.
Spruce elegant, smart and neat in appearance.
Spry lively; active; brisk; vigorous; nimble.
Spunky plucky; spirited; courageous; sexually attractive.
Square honest; direct; just; equitable; even; tied.
Stable enduring; permanent; self-restoring; durable.
Stacked voluptuous and having a large bosom (especially of a woman’s body).
Stainless spotless; immaculate; pure.
Stalwart firm; resolute; stout; brave; bold; strong.
Staminal of or pertaining to stamina.
Standard widely recognized as a model or excellence; commonly used; familiar; usual.
Standing remaining upright or erect; unchanging or permanent; fixed.
Stand-up honorable; honest; upright.
Star famous; outstanding.
Starry resembling a star; glittering; shining; sparkling; stellar.
State public.
Stately impressive or dignified as in size; worthy of respect; majestic; lofty; grand.
Statuesque like a statue as in dignity, grace, beauty or proportion.
Staunch firm; steadfast; true; loyal; reliable; outstanding.
Steadfast steady; firm; constant; resolute; unswerving; loyal.
Steady firm; fixed; sure; unfaltering; unwavering; reliable; sober.
Steamy warm or hot and humid; erotic; sexy.
Stellar outstanding; heavenly; exceptional; wonderful; principal; starry; astral.
Sterling valuable or excellent (especially of person or their work; genuine; pure.
Sthenic active; vigorous; strong.
Stick-to-itive persevering; resolute.
Stimulant stimulating.
Stimulating exciting or quickening activity or the senses; making lively, fresh or cheerful.
Stimulative having a renewing effect on the state of the mind or body; capable of stimulating.
Stipendiary receiving or compensated by stipend; for which money or something is paid.
Stirred emotionally aroused or excited.
Stirring rousing; active; lively; invigorating; inspiring.
Stocky sturdy and solidly built; compact and heavy; headstrong.
Stoical capable to endure hardship or pain without complaint; fortitudinous.
Storied much talked, written or celebrated about.
Stout characterized by bravery, boldness or determination; resolute and firm; sturdy; powerful.
Stouthearted courageous; brave.
Straight-out straightforward; complete; frank; honest.
Straightforward direct; open and plain; free from pretense; honest; frank.
Strapping robust; muscular and healthy; of a young person full of vigor; lusty.
Strategic of or pertaining to strategy.
Street-smart having practical knowledge.
Streetwise having the knowledge, experience and resourcefulness needed for survival.
Strenuous zealous; ardent; urgent; earnest; bold; valiant; intrepid.
Striking sensational or exciting in appearance or in effect; impressive; very noticeable.
Strong of good condition and quality; solid; sure; powerful; effective; intense; eager; ardent.
Studious characterized by diligent study and reading; showing great attention or care.
Stunning exceptionally attractive or beautiful; impressive; amazing; surprising.
Stupendous astonishingly large or great; enormous; amazing; wonderful.
Sturdy resolute; firm; strong; stout.
Stylish having taste or elegance in manners or dress; modish.
Suasive persuasive.
Suave charming; courteous; elegant; pleasant; delightful; gracious.
Sublime majestic; noble; awe-inspiring and impressive; supreme.
Substant firm; substantial.
Substantial real or true; strong; solid; sustaining; ample; possessing property or wealth; essential; most important; vast.
Substantive considerable; substantial; actual; real; firm; enduring; independent.
Subtle characterized by skill and cleverness; capable of making fine or precise distinctions.
Successful having obtained something favorable, desired or intended.
Succinct clearly and briefly expressed (especially of something spoken or written); concise.
Succulent full of sap or juice; lush; highly enjoyable; delectable.
Sufficient enough; ample; competent; content.
Sugary characterized by qualities of sugar; sweet.
Suitable appropriate or right for a particular purpose, situation or person.
Sultry exciting, arousing or gratifying (especially sexually).
Summary brief, concise or presented in a condensed form; summed up.
Summery of or pertaining to summer.
Sumptuous lavish; magnificent; luxurious; rich and extremely good in quality.
Sun-kissed having an attractive appearance and tan by exposure to sun; made beautifully tanned or pleasantly warm by the sun.
Sunny cheerful; genial; warm; bright; shining; radiant.
Super excellent; first-rate; very great, large or extreme.
Superabundant exceedingly or extremely abundant or sufficient.
Superb very or unusually high in quality; excellent; majestic; grand; rich; elegant; showy.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious extraordinarily wonderful or good (a nonsense word popularized by the movie Mary Poppins).
Super-duper very excellent; marvelous; truly great.
Supereminent superior to above all others; surpassingly eminent; outstanding; very lofty.
Superethical above ethics or more than ethical.
Superexcellent uncommonly excellent or superior in degree.
Superfluous beyond what is sufficient or required; excessive.
Superior higher in quality, value, excellence, rank, station or authority; extraordinary.
Superlative of the highest quality, degree, rank or order; excessive; exaggerated; superb.
Supernal heavenly; celestial; exalted; exquisite.
Supersonic very fast; faster than speed of sound.
Supple pliant; adaptable; compliant.
Supportive providing assistance or support.
Supreme greatest in importance, degree, significance, character, power, rank and the like; ultimate.
Sure certain; confident; firm; reliable; safe; secure.
Sure-fire certain to be successful or perform as expected.
Sure-footed proceeding surely or steadily; capable and confident.
Sure-handed confident, skilled or proficient in performance (especially with hands); dexterous.
Surpassing exceeding; exceptional; superior.
Sustained held up to a certain level, degree or pitch; continuous.
Svelte attractively and gracefully thin or slender; moving with ease.
Swank fashionably stylish, luxurious, expensive and elegant.
Swashbuckling adventurous.
Sweet pleasing to the senses; gratifying; kind; gracious; fragrant; cute; lovable.
Swell excellent; wonderful; elegant; stylish.
Swift very fast; instant; rapid; quick.
Swish fashionable; elegant; posh; smooth; effeminate.
Sybaritic characterized by pleasure and luxury.
Sylvan of or pertaining to the trees, forest or woodlands; residing in a tree, wood or forest n. one that resides, lives in or frequents the woods or forest.
Symmetrical having similarity in characteristics; harmonious.
Sympathetic inclined favorably; having similar tastes and disposition; expressing compassion or friendly feeling.
Symphonious harmonious; accordant; agreeing in sound.
Synergistic of or pertaining to synergism; co-operative; interacting.
Systematic methodical; orderly; regular.
Positive Words Starting With S:
Sanitary | Sangfroid | Sanguine |
Safe-keeping | Smoothly | Sibling |
Sagacious | Sane | Shabbos |
Strive | Serene | Sync |
Snappy | Satiety | Spice |
Slamming | Samaritan | Soothing |
Spotless | Say | Shrine |
Sky-high | Suitable | Strong |
Statuesque | Surefire | Splurge |
Savoir-faire | Sacrificial | Sterilize |
Sincerely | Service | Saga |
Sacralize | Smiles | Sage |
Seductive | Sincere | Swanky |
Stylish | Suntan | Salient |
Sleeky | Sapidity | Sacred |
Stupendous | Sovereign | Suitably |
Sand-pit | Soothe | Shalom |
Succeeding | Stardom | Stainless |
Sapience | Suitor | Salute |
Simplifies | Star | Stature |
Sterile | Sthenic | Serenity |
Spellbinding | Stylishly | Survivor |
Scintillation | Safely | Spoil |
Self-love | Salvage | Snap |
Samskara | Spiritual | Stamina |
Scintillatingly | Strength | Sacrificially |
Still | Shiner | Suave |
Supported | Sunshine | Sprightly |
Solicitous | Stellar | Selfless |
Secured | Soundly | Stimulus |
Street-wise | Savvying | Sleep |
Self-consistent | Shine | Saviour |
Self-control | Start | Saturated |
Stimulative | Sweetly | Satisfied |
Saturnalia | Scamper | Supporting |
Swankiest | Save | Social |
Swell | Saint | Supporter |
Scenic | Sugary | Studious |
Soundness | Surely | Satiation |
Sociable | Spellbind | Swift |
Sheeny | Sweetness | Survive |
Substantial | Suavity | Sedulous |
Self-esteem | Sheer | Studly |
Saleable | Staid | Speedy |
Sensibility | Smile | Sheeniest |
Subsidizing | Succeeds | Satisfying |
Positive Adjectives That Start With S:
Superb | Sure | Serene |
Sumptuous | Silver | Smooth |
Sacred | Soft | Settled |
Safe Savvy | Salutary | Seasonal |
Sacrosanct | Saintly | Seemly |
Sociable | Sapient | Sensible |
Sanguine | Skilled | Sensuous |
Silky | Saving | Soulful |
Self-assured | Sizable | Special |
Scintillating | Slinky | Sprightly |
Scrumptious | Smart | Successful |
Positive Verbs That Start With S:
Socialize | Sanctify | Snuggle |
Sumptuous | Sparkle | Spark |
Share | Sprout | Steady |
Satisfy | Script | Sensible |
Savior | Surpass | Smile |
Sate | Shimmer | Supreme |
Satiate | Simple | Sprinkle |
Shield | Savor | Strike |
Positive Nouns That Start With S:
Shelter | Sparkle | Sauna |
Serendipity | Support | Safety |
Solution | Salve | Solidarity |
List of Positive Words that Start with S
- Safe
- Scrupulous
- Seemly
- Sensible
- Simple
- Sincere
- Smart
- Sociable
- Special
- Steady
- Stimulating
- Straightforward
- Suave
- Successful
- Sumptuous
- Super
- Supreme
- Sure
- Safe
- Sensible
- Simple
- Sincere
- Smart
- Special
- Steady
- Sumptuous
- Super
- Supreme
- Sure
- Sachet
- Savior
- Serendipity
- Shelter
- Slice
- Smile
- Society
- Solution
- Sparkle
- Splendor
- Support
Positive Adjectives that Start with S
Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns. Making them positive is a good way to make things sound positive!
Safe – Out of harm’s way, where nothing can hurt you.
- Everyone rejoiced at the news of his safe return.
Sensible – Smart or logical. Can refer to a person’s choices or to their options.
- I think that’s a very sensible idea.
Simple – Not complicated.
- The basic idea is simple.
Sincere – Genuine.
- Her protests seemed sincere enough.
Smart – Being able to process thoughts or find solutions either quickly or in unique ways.
- You look very smart in that suit.
Special – Different than normal. Generally better than average, maybe one of a kind.
- This type of wood needs special treatment.
Steady – Even, unwavering, not bumpy.
- He is a steady young man.
Sumptuous – Fancy, expensive looking. Often used to refer to food.
- The interior is decorated in sumptuous reds and golds.
Super – Very good, wonderful, awesome.
- She got a super new dress.
Supreme – The best.
- It is an event in which she reigns supreme.
Sure – Certain. Also used for unwavering, as in someone’s aim.
- I’m not sure of the chronology of events.
Positive Verbs that Start with S
Verbs are action words. If a verb is positive, then your sentence is doing positive things!
Sail – Literally, to move through water propelled by wind. Figuratively, to move quickly through something without any roadblocks.
- His ambition is to sail round the world.
Satisfy – To meet someone’s needs, wants, or requirements.
- It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.
Save – To rescue. Also, to keep.
- They beached the ship to save it.
Score – To earn a point in a competition.
- My test score was low.
Select – To choose. As a noun, generally means an item you’d want to choose or that has already been chosen.
- She was very selective in the people she invites.
Share – To split things between yourself and others.
- I share a bedroom with my sister.
Socialize – To be around other people.
- She’s got lots of friends, she likes to socialize.
Succeed – To reach your goals.
- The project seemed unlikely to succeed.
Suffice – To be enough.
- Some bread and soup will suffice me.
Supply – To give things, generally in an ongoing or large-scale manner.
- They supply us with the latest equipment.
Surprise – To present someone with something unexpected and generally pleasant or fun.
- He gave a low long whistle of surprise.
Positive Nouns that Start with S
Nouns are people, places, or things. A positive noun means your sentence subject can be positive!
Sachet – A little bag of nice-smelling things.
- There was a sachet of shampoo in the bathroom.
Savior – Someone who saves people.
- They regarded him as the savior of their country.
Serendipity – A happy chance or beneficial act of fate.
- Our lives had been turned over to serendipity.
Shelter – A safe place to stay.
- They took refuge in a bomb shelter.
Slice – A small piece. While not always positive on its own, usually used for positive things: a slice of cake, a slice of heaven.
- She hungrily ate a slice of bread.
Smile – An upward movement of lips that indicates happiness.
- She cast a welcoming smile in his direction.
Society – A group of people, usually with agreed-upon guidelines.
- The basic unit of society is the family.
Solution – An answer to a question or problem.
- He doped out a solution to the problem.
Sparkle – A pinpoint or intermittent shine of light. This can be many small bits of light contributing to a bright overall effect.
- The stars sparkle in the dark sky.
Splendor – Something that appears magnificent and grand, often breathtaking. Often used for geographical description.
- They dined in a special suite in glorious splendor.
Support – Help and assistance. Can specifically be help and assistance staying upright or off the ground.
- We assured him of our loyal support.
Positive Words That Start with S to Describe a Person
Descriptive essays are usually harder than normal essays but reading all these words starting with S to describe a person positively will surely make things easier for you.
1. Saint
- Definition: a very virtuous, kind, or patient person
- Synonyms: kind, patient
- Example: She’s a saint to go on living with that man.
2. Spiritual
- Definition: relating to religion or religious belief
- Synonyms: sacred, holy, divine
- Example: You all must listen to the tribe’s spiritual leader.
3. Sexy
- Definition: generally attractive or interesting
- Synonyms: slinky, seductive
- Example: Everything about Jehn was sexy, from her tight clothing to her sensual walk.
4. Smart
- Definition: having or showing a quick-witted intelligence
- Synonyms: bright, intelligent
- Example: He was smart enough to get out of the situation easily.
5. Sensible
- Definition: (of a statement or course of action) chosen in accordance with wisdom or prudence; likely to be of benefit
- Synonyms: practical, realistic
- Example: She was sensible enough to stop driving when she got too tired.
6. Savior
- Definition: a person who saves something or someone
- Synonyms: rescuer, champion
- Example: Politicians of the era usually portray themselves as the nation’s savior.
7. Socially-active
- Definition: a person who spends a lot of time with other people
- Synonyms: extrovert, outgoing
- Example: I am socially-active with the government activities.
8. Sweet
- Definition: pleasing in general, delightful
- Synonyms: agreeable, nice
- Example: It was the sweet life partner he had always craved.
9. Supportive
- Definition: providing encouragement or emotional help
- Synonyms: caring, sympathetic
- Example: The staff are extremely supportive of each other.
10. Soul
- Definition: the spirit and essence of a person
- Synonyms: epitome, model
- Example: Charms strike the sight, but merit wins the soul.
Positive Words That Start with S to Encourage Yourself
Encouragement is that one thing we all need to achieve our goals, so here is a list of good words that start with S to give motivation.
1. Self-confidence
- Definition: a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities and judgement
- Synonyms: self-assurance, morale
- Example: Self-confidence is all you need to bring out your skills and abilities.
2. Synergy
- Definition: the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects
- Synonyms: teamwork, union
- Example: The synergy between artist and record company will produce something massive.
3. Support
- Definition: give assistance to, especially financially; enable to function or act
- Synonyms: help, assist
- Example: He urged that military support be sent to protect humanitarian convoys.
4. Sufficient
- Definition: enough to meet the needs of a situation
- Synonyms: enough, ample
- Example: Howie would first go back to earlier in the day and document precise activities of the director; we hoped they’d be sufficient for him to believe our abilities.
5. Steady
- Definition: firmly fixed, supported, or balanced; not shaking or moving
- Synonyms: secure, balance, stable
- Example: The lighter the camera, the harder it is to hold steady.
6. Succeed
- Definition: achieve the desired aim or result
- Synonyms: triumph, thrive
- Example: Keep trying and you will eventually succeed.
7. Source
- Definition: a place, person, or thing from which something comes or can be obtained
- Synonyms: spring, origin
- Example: Mackerel is a good source of fish oil.
8. Start
- Definition: the point in time or space at which something has its origin; the beginning
- Synonyms: onset, emergence
- Example: He takes over as chief executive at the start of next year.
9. Solution
- Definition: a means of solving a problem or dealing with a difficult situation
- Synonyms: quick fix, explanation
- Example: There is always a solution for all problems if you think positively.
10. Surprise
- Definition: astonish, and amaze mean to impress forcibly by being unexpected
- Synonyms: astonish, amaze
- Example: He likes to surprise people on special occasions.
Positive Words That Start with S to Compliment Others
Life is too small so make everyone feel beautiful by complimenting them. Here are some nice words that start with S to help you out.
1. Soulful
- Definition: expressing or appearing to express deep feeling
- Synonyms: deep, heartfelt
- Example: She gave him a soulful glance.
2. Smarty
- Definition: a know-it-all or a smart aleck
- Synonyms: intelligent, smart
- Example: She’s a real smarty and does her job very well.
3. Special
- Definition: better, greater, or otherwise different from what is usual
- Synonyms: exceptional, particular
- Example: A special person always makes an effort on Christmas.
4. Self-respect
- Definition: pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity
- Synonyms: pride, self-regard
- Example: I want to work again to keep up my self-respect.
5. Successful
- Definition: accomplishing an aim or purpose
- Synonyms: lucky, fortunate
- Example: Tom Cruise is a successful actor.
6. Smiling
- Definition: having or characterized by a smile
- Synonyms: grinning, beaming
- Example: It’s nice to see everyone’s smiling faces.
7. Sympathetic
- Definition: feeling, showing or expressing sympathy
- Synonyms: friendly, pleasant
- Example: Audrey develops as a sympathetic character.
8. Spectacular
- Definition: beautiful in a dramatic and eye-catching way
- Synonyms: striking, breathtaking
- Example: French history was represented in a spectacular for tourists.
9. Striking
- Definition: attracting attention by reason of being prominent.
- Synonyms: evident, noticeable
- Example: She bears a striking resemblance to her older sister.
10. Salient
- Definition: most noticeable or important
- Synonyms: main, principal
- Example: He read the salient facts quickly.
Positive Words That Start with S to Help Through Difficulties
Difficult times can get very depressing for some people so take a look at these encouraging words that start with S to uplift your mind and soul.
1. Sun
- Definition: the star around which the earth orbits
- Synonyms: light, warmth
- Example: The sun shone from a cloudless sky.
2. Shine
- Definition: (of the sun or another source of light) give out a bright light
- Synonyms: beam, gleam
- Example: She was a quiet girl who had taken a shine to the Deans.
3. Sustained
- Definition: continuing for an extended period or without interruption
- Synonyms: comforted, helped
- Example: Several years of sustained economic growth.
4. Self-belief
- Definition: a person’s belief in their ability to complete tasks or to achieve goals.
- Synonyms: courage, self-esteem
- Example: Your self-belief is growing and you are ready to take on an exciting challenge.
5. Self-love
- Definition: having a high regard for your own well-being and happiness
- Synonyms: self-care, self-importance
- Example: Self-love is not selfish; you cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself.
6. Stamina
- Definition: the ability to sustain prolonged physical or mental effort
- Synonyms: endurance, energy
- Example: Their secret is stamina rather than speed.
- Soothe
- Definition: gently calm (a person or their feelings)
- Synonyms: calm, settle
- Example: To soothe the skin try chamomile or thyme.
8. Survive
- Definition: to remain alive or in existence
- Synonyms: live, pull through
- Example: Assuming you survive, what he does to you.
9. Succinct
- Definition: (especially of something written or spoken) briefly and clearly expressed
- Synonyms: condensed, compact
- Example: Use short, succinct sentences.
10. Stead-fast
- Definition: resolutely or dutifully firm and unwavering
- Synonyms: loyal, faithful
- Example: They stood stead-fast on their faith.
Positive Words That Start with S to Uplift Our Mind
The biggest support a person can get is through these motivational words that start with S. An uplifting mind will always promote a positive life.
1. Self-esteem
- Definition: confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect
- Synonyms: dignity, pride
- Example: Assertiveness training for those with low self-esteem.
2. Secure
- Definition: fix or attach (something firmly so that it cannot be moved or lost
- Synonyms: affix, link
- Example: Pins secured the handle to the main body.
3. Salubrious
- Definition: health-giving; healthy
- Synonyms: beneficial, healthy
- Example: There were many salubrious eating establishments.
4. Salvage
- Definition: the rescue of a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo from loss at sea
- Synonyms: saving, raising
- Example: A salvage operation was under way.
5. Sanguine
- Definition: optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation
- Synonyms: optimistic, hopeful
- Example: He is sanguine about prospects for global economy.
6. Savor
- Definition: to give flavor
- Synonyms: flavor, tang
- Example: They savor every last morsel of food.
7. Scenic
- Definition: providing or relating to views of impressive or beautiful natural scenery
- Synonyms: pretty, pleasing
- Example: The scenic route to Brussels is worth-seeing.
8. Serene
- Definition: calm and peaceful
- Synonyms: tranquil, bright
- Example: Her eyes were closed and she looked very serene.
9. Shimmer
- Definition: shine with a soft tremulous light
- Synonyms: twinkle, sparkle
- Example: The sea shimmers in the sunlight.
10. Soften
- Definition: make or become less hard
- Synonyms: ease, soothe
- Example: Plant extracts to soften and moisturize the skin.
List of Positive Words That Start with S to Keep Us Stay Positive
Positivity can make anyone achieve anything in life, so here are some positive words that start with S.
1. Silky
- Definition: of or resembling silk, especially in being soft, fine and lustrous
- Synonyms: soft, sleek
- Example: The fur felt silky and soft.
2. Sprightly
- Definition: lively, full of energy
- Synonyms: energetic, active
- Example: She was quite sprightly for her age.
3. Self-assurance
- Definition: It is the attitude and perception about your own abilities
- Synonyms: self-confidence, self-trust
- Example: Someone who has self-assurance shows confidence in the things that they say or do.
4. Sprinkle
- Definition: rain very lightly
- Synonyms: powder, dredge
- Example: The rain grew from a mere sprinkle to a respectable drizzle.
5. Sonorous
- Definition: (of a person’s voice or other sound) imposingly deep and full
- Synonyms: rich, full
- Example: He read aloud with a sonorous and musical voice.
6. Sociable
- Definition: willing to talk and engage in activities with other people
- Synonyms: friendly, affable
- Example: Being a sociable person, Eva loved entertaining.
7. Sleek
- Definition: (of hair, fur, or skin) smooth and glossy
- Synonyms: smooth, glossy
- Example: He was tall, with sleek, dark hair.
8. Sincere
- Definition: free from pretense or deceit; proceeding from genuine feelings
- Synonyms: profound, deep
- Example: They offer their sincere thanks to Paul.
9. Sublime
- Definition: of much excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe
- Synonyms: exalted, noble
- Example: Mozart’s sublime piano concerts.
10. Snuggle
- Definition: snuggle or move into a warm, comfortable position
- Synonyms: nestle, cuddle
- Example: To snuggle down in your sleeping bag Is the most comfortable feeling ever.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with S
Improve your everyday talking style with this perfect list of positive words that start with S. Memorize them by heart.
1. Simplify
- Definition: make something simpler or easier to do or understand
- Synonyms: clarify, easily
- Example: An overhaul of court procedure to simplify litigation.
2. Shield
- Definition: a person or thing providing protection
- Synonyms: guard, defense
- Example: A protective coating of grease provides a shield against abrasive dirt.
3. Serendipity
- Definition: the occurrence and development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way
- Synonyms: chance, accident
- Examples: Natasha had a fortunate stroke of serendipity which caused her to win the lottery.
4. Serenity
- Definition: the state of being calm, peaceful
- Synonyms: calm, tranquility
- Examples: The beach deemed to be an oasis of serenity amidst the bustling city.
5. Sculpture
- Definition: the art of making three dimensional representative or abstract forms, especially by carving stone of wood or by casting metal or plaster
- Synonyms: chisel, carve, sculpt
- Examples: The roman emperor ordered the making of a new sculpture to display in his room.
6. Sanctify
- Definition: to set apart to a sacred purpose or to religious use
- Synonyms: forgiveness, atonement
- Examples: The priest sanctified the church with a special ceremony.
7. Sunbathe
- Definition: sit or lie in the sun, especially to tan the skin
- Synonyms: bask, bake
- Examples: Tana did not do much apart from swim, sunbathe and sleep.
8. Soporifically
- Definition: having the power to produce the sensation of taste
- Synonyms: tasty, enjoyable
- Examples: Despite being bedridden with her sickness and no ability to taste good food, she soporifically tasted a yummy taste from the food despite the circumstances.
9. Salutiferous
- Definition: healthy or health-giving
- Synonyms: healthful, medicinal
- Examples: The thirsty wayfarer eagerly took a drink of the spring’s salutiferous water.
10. Sunglasses
- Definition: glasses tinted to protect the eyes from sunlight or glare
- Synonyms: tint, protect, eyes
- Examples: When the sun got too unbearable for her eyes, she ended up putting on her sunglasses.
Positive Words That Start with S for Attractive Resumes
Getting a job has become a tough thing for all of us. Make your resumes better with all these positive words that start with S.
1. Scintillating
- Definition: sparkling or shining brightly
- Synonyms: shining, bright
- Examples: The sunrays were reflecting on the disco ball causing it to have a scintillating effect.
2. Save
- Definition: keep safe or rescue someone or something from harm or danger
- Synonyms: rescue, protect
- Examples: The lifeguard was told to save the boy from drowning.
3. Scoop
- Definition: a utensil resembling a spoon, with a long handle and a deep bowl, used for removing powdered, granulated, or semisolid substances such as ice-cream from a container
- Synonyms: spoon, ladle, dipper
- Examples: The powder is packed in tubs in which a measuring scoop is provided.
4. Sensational
- Definition: very good indeed; very impressive or attractive
- Synonyms: gorgeous, stunning
- Examples: She looked sensational after she got her makeup done for prom.
5. Sharing
- Definition: having a portion of something with another or others
- Synonyms: split, divide, portion
- Examples: Ever since we were young, we were told that sharing is caring hence it was imbedded in our personality to share our food with others.
6. Solace
- Definition: to give comfort to in grief or misfortune
- Synonyms: comfort, soothe, console
- Examples: Many people get their greatest solace from gardening.
7. Spark
- Definition: a trace of a specified quality or intense feeling
- Synonyms: flicker, speck
- Examples: There was a spark seen between the boy and the girl and their mothers smiled with happiness.
8. Superb
- Definition: impressively splendid
- Synonyms: magnificent, excellent, impressive
- Examples: The girl was told that her work in class was superb and she got a promotion as the class monitor.
9. Sapid
- Definition: having a strong, pleasant taste
- Synonyms: flavorful, tasteful, tasty
- Examples: The almonds have a sapid, harmonic taste and its aftertaste of bitter almonds gives sensations of rare elegance.
10. Sapient
- Definition: wise, or attempting to appear wise
- Synonyms: wisdom, intellectual, of old-age
- Examples: I wonder why the sapient writer of that article did not inquire whether a license was required for tea.