List of Positive Words That Start With P [2024]
List of Positive Words That Start With P
Here is the list of more than four hundred sixty (460) positive words that start with P
Pachuco | Pacific | Pacifier |
Pacifism | Pacify | Pakistan |
Pact | Paean | Pageant |
Pageantry | Page-turner | Paid-up |
Pain-free | Painkiller | Painless |
Painlessly | Pair-bond | Pal |
Palace | Paladin | Palatable |
Palatial | Pally | Palm |
Palmy | Palpable | Palsy-walsy |
Pamper | Pampered | Pampered |
Pamperedness | Panacea | Panache |
Pan-Americanism | Pandi-taken | Panegyric |
Panegyrize | Pangloss | Panoply |
Panoramic | Pantheon | Pantisocracy |
Par excellence | Parable | Parade |
Paradise | Paradisial | Paragon |
Paramount | Pardon | Parity |
Participation | Partner | Pash |
Pass | Passable | Passion |
Passionate | Passionately | Passive |
Pastime | Pat | Patch |
Path-breaking | Patience | Patient |
Patiently | Patootie | Patriarch |
Patrician | Patriot | Patriotic |
Patron | Patron saint | Pax |
Payday | Payout | Peace |
Peace offering | Peace pipe | Peace sign |
Peacetime | Peaceable | Peaceful |
Peacefully | Peacekeepers | Peacemaker |
Peach | Peachy | Peak |
Pearl | Pearled | Pearlescent |
Pearly | Pearly Gates | Peart |
Peck | Pedicure | Peerless |
Pellucid | Pen pal | Penetrative |
Penfriend | Penitent | Pennywise |
Pentecost | People-person | Pep |
Pep talk | Peppiness | Pepping |
Peppy | Perceptible | Perception |
Perceptive | Perceptiveness | Percipient |
Percolate | Perfect | Perfection |
Perfectly | Perfervid | Perkiness |
Permissible | Permit | Perseverance |
Persevere | Persevering | Persistence |
Persistent | Persona grata | Personable |
Personage | Personal growth | Personality |
Personalized | Perspective | Perspicuous |
Persuasive | Pert | Pet |
Pet form | Pet name | Peter pan |
Petite | Petition | Phat |
Phenom | Phenomena | Phenomenal |
Phenomenon | Phew | Phi Beta Kappa |
Philanthrope | Philanthropistphilanthropy | Philogynist |
Philogyny | Philogynous | Philtre |
Photogenic | Photographic memory | Phwoar |
Physical therapy | Physiotherapy | Pick-me-up |
Pickup | Pickwickian | Picture postcard |
Picture-perfect | Picturesque | Pièce de résistance |
Piety | Pinnacle | Pinpoint |
Pinup | Pioneer | Pious |
Piquancy | Piquant | Pith |
Pithy | Pivotal | Pizzazz |
Placable | Placate | Placebo |
Placid | Plafond | Plain |
Plan | Plaque | Platinum disc |
Platonic | Plaudit | Play |
Playful | Playfully | Playfulness |
Playmate | Playtime | Pleasant |
Pleasantly | Please | Pleased |
Pleasing | Pleasingly | Pleasurable |
Pleasurably | Pleasure | Pledge |
Plenitude | Plenteous | Plentiful |
Plenty | Pleroma | Pluck |
Plucky | Plum | Plume |
Plummy | Plumy | Plus |
Plus sign | Pluses | Plush |
Plush velvet | Ply | Poet |
Poetic | Poeticize | Poetize |
Poignant | Poise | Poised |
Poky | Pole position | Polish |
Polished | Polite | Politeness |
Politesse | Political correctness | Politically correct |
Pollyanna | Pomp | Pool |
Poon | Poor box | Poor relief |
Pootle | Pop music or popular music | Poppy |
Popsy | Popular | Popularise or popularize |
Populist | Portable | Portly |
Posh | Positive | Positive energy |
Positive mind | Positive sign | Positive thinking |
Positive thoughts | Positive vibes | Positive words |
Positively | Positive-mental-attitude | Positives |
Possible | Poster boy | Potable |
Potent | Potential | Potentiate |
Potentize | Potlatch | Potluck |
Potty | Pourboire | Powerful |
Powerfully | Power–powerful | Powwow |
Practicable | Practical | Practicality |
Practically | Practice | Pragmatic |
Pragmatism | Praise | Praiseworthy |
Praising | Pray | Prayer |
Prayerful | Preach | Precaution |
Precedence | Precious | Precise |
Precisely | Precision | Precocial |
Precocious | Precognition | Predilectionpre-eminent |
Preen | Prefer | Preferable |
Preferably | Preferred | Preferring |
Premier | Premium | Preparation |
Prepared | Preparedness | Preponderant |
Preponderate | Prepotent | Preppy |
Prescient | Presence | Present |
Presentable | Presentee | Preservation |
Preserve | Press on | Prestige |
Prestigious | Prettify | Prettily |
Pretty | Prevail | Prevalent |
Prezzie | Priceless | Pride |
Prime | Prime rib | Primetime |
Primo | Prince | Prince charming |
Prince of peace | Princely | Principle |
Principled | Priority | Pristine |
Privacy | Privilege | Privileged |
Prize | Prizegiving | Prize paragon |
Prizewinner | Pro | Proactive |
Proactivity | Problem-free | Problem-solver |
Proceed | Prodigious | Prodigiously |
Prodigy | Produce | Productive |
Productively | Professional | Professionally |
Proffer | Proficient | Proficiently |
Profit | Profit-sharing | Profound |
Profoundly | Profundity | Profuse |
Profusion | Progenitive | Progenitor |
Progress | Progression | Progressive |
Pro-life | Prolific | Prominence |
Prominent | Promise | Promised |
Promising | Promote | Promoter |
Promotion | Prompt | Promptly |
Promptness | Pronoia | Pronounced |
Proper | Properly | Propinquity |
Propitiate | Propitious | Propitiously |
Propose | Pros | Prosper |
Prosperity | Prosperous | Protagonist |
Protect | Protection | Protective |
Protector | Protégé | Prothalamium |
Proto | Proud | Proven |
Provide | Providence | Provident |
Providential | Prowess | Prudence |
Prudent | Prudential | Prudently |
Psalm | Public spirit | Puckish |
Puissance | Puissant | Pukka |
Pulchritude | Pulchritudinous | Pulitzer Prize |
Pull | Pun | Punch-line |
Punchy | Punctual | Punctuality |
Pundit | Puppies | Puppy love |
Pure | Purify | Purity |
Purple Patch | Purpose | Purposeful |
Purr | Pursue | Pursuit |
Push | Pzazz |
Pabulous edible; alimental.
Pacey progressing or moving fast or quickly; quick; rapid; lively.
Palatable pleasing, agreeable or acceptable to the taste; tasty.
Pally friendly; chummy; having the relationship of pals or friends.
Palpable capable of being felt, touched or handled; easily perceived or obvious.
Paradisiac befitting or relating to Paradise; idyllic or ideal; heavenly.
Paramount supreme; highest.
Parental relating to or characteristic of a parent; affectionate; tender.
Parnassian poetic.
Participant taking part or sharing in; participating.
Participative capable of participating; involving or relating to participation.
Particular most important; specific or unique to thing or person.
Partisan adherent to a faction, party, cause or interest.
Passionate having or showing powerful emotions; capable to arouse strong feelings (especially motivating, romantic or sexual); ardent; blazing; amorous.
Paternal relating to or characteristic of a fatherhood or father; fatherly; inherited or received from one’s father.
Patient enduring or bearing difficulty, annoyance or provocation with calmness; tolerant; perceiving; constant.
Peaceable peaceful; promoting calm, harmony and serenity.
Peaceful tranquil; calm; not disturbed by turmoil, war or strife.
Peachy fine; splendid; very good; resembling a peach.
Peerless having no equal or peer; matchless; unparalleled.
Penetrating seeming or able to penetrate; keenly understanding or perceptive; sagacious; acute.
Peppy characterized by high spirits and energy; cheerful and vigorous.
Perceptive having or showing ability and keenness of perception, insight or understanding; sensitive; keen in discernment.
Perfect excellent; pure; complete; precisely exact or accurate.
Perky characterized by lightheartedness and liveliness; jaunty; sprightly; firm.
Permanent enduring, continuing or lasting without marked change in condition, status or place.
Permissive inclined to or granting permission; optional; permitted; tolerated.
Perseverant persevering; enduring; constant.
Persevering characterized by perseverance; persistent; constant in the execution of a purpose.
Persistent refusing to give up; never-ceasing; continual.
Personable pleasing in appearance or personality; attractive; presentable.
Perspective relating to vision, seen or represented in perspective; optical.
Perspicacious clear-sighted; mentally perceptive or acute; keen.
Perspicuous clearly presented or expressed; easily understandable.
Persuasive convincing; tending or able to persuade.
Pert high-spirited; vivacious; lively; brisk; smart; bold.
Pertinent having logical or precise relevance to the matter at hand; relevant.
Pet indulged and cherished; showing or expressing affection; most preferred or favorite.
Petite small and slender (especially woman or girl).
Phenomenal outstanding; extraordinary; very remarkable; relating to a phenomenon.
Philanthropic relating to philanthropy; generous in assistance; humanitarian.
Philoprogenitive prolific; having the love of offspring or children in general.
Philosophical relating to philosophy; rational and thoughtful.
Picked carefully selected or chosen; fine; smart; precise; spruce.
Picturesque relating to a picture; strikingly vivid or expressive (especially in an unusual way); quaintly attractive and charming; pretty as a picture.
Pierian relating to learning or poetry.
Pilot leading or serving as a guide; serving as an experimental model or test for the future development or experiment.
Pioneering originating; groundbreaking.
Pious worthy; commendable; showing or having reverence or devotion for a deity.
Piquant attractive, charming or interesting; pleasing or stimulating to the taste or mind.
Pithy meaningful and concise.
Pivotal relating to a pivot or turning point; being the crucial or vital importance; key; central.
Placid satisfied; complacent; undisturbed; serene; tranquil; peaceful.
Plausible apparently or seemingly valid, acceptable or likely; credible; praiseworthy.
Playful full of high spirits and fun; humorous; recreational; frolicsome.
Pleasant pleasing; delightful; enlivening; sportive; agreeable.
Pleased happy; content; experiencing satisfaction or pleasure.
Pleasing giving enjoyment, cheer, gratification or pleasure; agreeable.
Pleasurable gratifying; agreeable; abounding in or capable of giving pleasure and satisfaction.
Plenary full or complete in all respects; fully attended; entire; absolute.
Plenteous abundant; rich; productive; fruitful.
Plentiful containing or existing in great quantity or supply; yielding or producing an abundance; copious; ample; fruitful.
Plenty plentiful; abundant.
Pliable easily shaped or bent; receptive to change or influence; adaptable; flexible.
Plucky showing or having spirit and courage in trying circumstances.
Plummy desirable; choice; exceedingly rich and mellow; advantageous; profitable.
Plus more, extra or added; positive; involving advantage.
Plush luxurious or appearing expensive; having a fluffy and soft exterior.
Poetic relating to poetry; exhibiting the rhythmical or imaginative quality of poetry.
Poignant evoking strong mental sensation; moving; touching; agreeably stimulating; neat; keen; sharp.
Poised prepared; ready; assured; composed; characterized by balance or equilibrium in readiness.
Polished shiny and smooth; refined; elegant; cultured; having no errors or imperfections; flawless.
Polite well-mannered; refined; elegant; polished; smooth.
Popular widely appreciated, liked or approved.
Posh fashionable and smart; stylish; elegant; exclusive.
Positiveoptimistic; very sure; confident; involving good or advantage; characterized by affirmation, acceptance or certainty.
Possible capable or happening, occurring, existing or being true.
Potent powerful and effective; having great influence.
Potential having capability or possibility to happen or succeed; being potent or powerful; expected to be or become.
Powerful strong, effective, influential or potent; large; capacious.
Practicable that may be performed or practiced; feasible; useful; handy; functional.
Practical put to or having a practical use or purpose; efficient, level-headed and unspeculative; having knowledge or skills that are effective and useful in a real situation.
Practiced skillful or experienced after much practice; proficient.
Pragmatic dealing with facts; practical; active; busy.
Praiseworthy deserving admiration and approval; commendable.
Prayerful given to prayer; devotional.
Precious valuable; highly esteemed and cherished; beloved; dear.
Precise definite; exact; accurate; strictly correct.
Predominant prevalent; dominant; widespread; having a superior influence or power.
Preeminent notable or superior to above all others; outstanding.
Preferable better, more desirable or worthy than another; preferred.
Preferred favored or preferred above all others.
Premier first in importance or status; first to exist or occur; earliest.
Premium superior (especially in value or quality).
Prepared ready; willing; adapted; made suitable or fit.
Preponderant outweighing; overbalancing; having a superior influence, importance or power.
Prepotent superior in influence, force or efficiency; very powerful.
Present happening or existing now; current; being at hand.
Prestigious esteemed; respected; juggling.
Pretty attractive and pleasing in a delicate or graceful manner; clever; adroit.
Prevailing most common or frequent; predominant; widespread; having superior influence or force; persuasive.
Prevalent commonly or widely accepted, practiced, existing or occurring; superior; dominant.
Prevenient preceding; expectant; anticipatory; preventive.
Primal primary; firs; original; chief; being of greatest of importance or order.
Primary highest or first in quality, importance or rank; principal; earliest; direct; immediate.
Prime first in quality, excellence, value, rank or degree; chief.
Primed prepared for action or use.
Primo best; first-class; first; chief.
Princely relating to a prince; royal; noble; lavish; munificent.
Principal highest, first or foremost in rank, degree, worth or importance; chief.
Principled based on or marked by manifesting objectively defined standards of morality or rightness.
Pristine remaining free from decay or dirt; clean; pure; original.
Privileged enjoying or blessed with privileges; not subject to usual penalties or rules.
Prize given or offered as a prize; first-class; worthy of a prize.
Prized cherished; highly valued.
Prizewinning worthy of or having won winning prize.
Pro affirmative; supporting; professional.
Proactive acting in advance to deal with an expected difficulty or change; anticipatory.
Probable likely to be true or happen; plausible.
Probative serving to prove, test or try.
Procurable capable of being produced or obtained.
Prodigious highly great in extent, size or force; extraordinary; enormous; marvelous; portentous.
Productive capable of producing; producing abundantly or yielding good results; constructive; originative; characterized by fruitfulness.
Professional showing or having great skill; expert.
Proficient skilled; practiced; fluent.
Profitable creating or yielding profit; advantageous; lucrative; gainful.
Profound far-reaching; thoroughgoing; deep; highly impressed; complete.
Profuse plentiful; extravagant; excessive; prodigal; lavish.
Progressive advancing; developing; proceeding or moving forward; promoting or favoring progress.
Prolific producing fruit or offspring; fertile; active.
Prominent widely known; eminent; standing out beyond the surface or line.
Promising showing or having possibility of achievement or excellence; likely to develop in a desirable way.
Prompt being on time or acting without delay; punctual.
Proper characterized by suitability, appropriateness or rightness; accurate.
Propertied owning or possessing property (especially as principal source of revenue).
Prophetic relating to a prophecy or prophet; predictive.
Propitious convenient; auspicious; favorable; kind; helpful; gracious.
Prospective acting with foresight; looking forward in time; expected or likely to happen, become or be.
Prosperous marked by success; flourishing; favorable; helpful; very profitable and lively.
Protean exceedingly variable; readily taking on varied meanings, forms and shapes.
Protective defensive; sheltering; affording or wishing protection.
Proud feeling of self-respect or self-worth; gratified; honored; majestic; spirited; brave; valiant.
Provocative tending to stimulate, excite or provoke.
Prudent practically wise, shrewd and judicious; sensible and careful; frugal; economical.
Public-spirited exhibiting devotion to or motivated by the public welfare.
Puissant mighty; powerful; strong; vigorous.
Pukka authentic; genuine; first-class; superior.
Pulchritudinous physically and breathtakingly beautiful, appealing and attractive.
Punchy characterized by vigor, effectiveness or drive; spirited.
Punctilious precise; attentively to details.
Punctual precise; exact; prompt.
Pure free of flaws, imperfections, pollution, dirt, defilement or contamination; clean; real; genuine; perfect.
Purposeful having purpose; intentional; important; meaningful.
Positive Words That Start With P:
Peach | Premier | Politely |
Patriotpatronize | Portable | Patiently |
Particular | Practicality | Perfectly |
Pleasurable | Perky | Plummy |
Perfectionist | Poise | Prudent |
Passionate | Pure | Prime |
Prestoprince | Persistpert | Promoter |
Purposefully | Proposer | Pamper |
Plumppolished | Protective | Plea |
Picturesque | Prolific | Peak |
Partisanpatrician | Playful | Practical |
Paradise | Pair | Pertinent |
Practised | Persistent | Powerfully |
Piquant | Pivotal | Pet |
Peace | Pilot | Partner |
Persevere | Pearl | Pep |
Perfection | Paramount | Passion |
Peacemaker | Purity | Practicable |
Phenomenon | Patriot | Pithy |
Persistently | Pleasure | Praise |
Peppiness | Phew | Piety |
Procreator | Produce | Perfect |
Pragmatic | Promptly | Prosper |
Punctuality | Peachy | Propitious |
Proctor | Properly | Premium |
Prefers | Prowess | Profuse |
Prepotent | Privilege | Precision |
Preemption | Proves | Precise |
Puppy Love | Prolepsis | Profusion |
Probative | Proto | Prized |
Proactively | Protector | Precious |
Prestigious | Pronia | Pretty |
Progressing | Priority | Proving |
Prayerfully | Prayer | Prudence |
Preservation | Princely | Provoking |
Prodigious | Payout | Prodigy |
Positive Adjectives That Start With P:
Perceptive | Polished | Proud |
Powerful | Playful | Paternal |
Peaceable | Pleasant | Prized |
Pioneering | Proficient | Partisan |
Philosophical | Peaceful | Precious |
Preferable | Poetic | Perfect |
Perspective | Parental | Plentiful |
Prepotent | Perky | Possible |
Paradisiac | Pertinent | Prosperous |
Perspicuous | Pragmatic | Plush |
Plenteous | Productive | Princely |
Plausible | Prevalent | Prominent |
Positive Verbs That Start With P:
Participate | Peak | Praise |
Produce | Prosper | Purify |
Praise | Pardon | Pacify |
Produce | Promote | Publish |
Positive Nouns That Start With P:
Potential | Patron | Patriarch |
Professor | Prize | Plan |
Possessor | Proconsul | Poet |
Postulant | Partner | Prophet |
Paragonpatron | Proponent | Paragon |
Personality | Pep | Pleasure |
Primogenitor | Patience | Pacifist |
Paradise | Pilot | Poise |
Publisher | Presence | Passion |
Positive Adverbs That Start With P:
Parentally | Paternally | Peacefully |
Perseveringly | Personally | Piously |
Poetically | Preciously | Properly |
List of Positive Words that Start with P
- Palatable
- Palpable
- Parental
- Paternal
- Patient
- Peaceful
- Peerless
- Perceptive
- Perfect
- Personable
- Phenomenal
- Placid
- Playful
- Pleasant
- Plentiful
- Polite
- Positive
- Possible
- Precious
- Precocious
- Premium
- Pretty
- Productive
- Proficient
- Proud
- Pure
- Pacify
- Pamper
- Participate
- Peak
- Persevere
- Please
- Praise
- Produce
- Project
- Promote
- Prosper
- Purify
- Pact
- Pair
- Paradise
- Paragon
- Pardon
- Passion
- Patience
- Poise
- Potential
- Power
- Prize
- Professional
Positive Adjectives that Start with P
Adjectives are describing words. Specifically, they describe nouns. Positive description is a good way to help things look more positive!
Palatable – Food or drink that is tasty or pleasant to the mouth.
- The meal was barely palatable.
Palpable – Feelings so strong that they seem tangible. Often used with “excitement.”
- There is a palpable difference in their ages.
Peaceful – Calm and untroubled.
- He could not imagine a more peaceful scene.
Perfect – Exactly as desired, without anything that should be changed.
- This suit is perfect for me.
Placid – Calm and undisturbed. Can describe people’s emotions or can describe tangible things like water’s surface.
- She sat still, placid and waiting.
Pleasant – Pleasing. Giving a sense of satisfaction or happiness.
- I’ve got a pleasant little apartment.
Plentiful – Having enough of something, and something a little extra.
- Tomatoes are plentiful in the summer.
Polite – Being nice, not rude.
- He is always polite to everyone.
Positive – Upbeat, happy, looking on the positive side.
- I’m absolutely positive it was him.
Possible – Able to be accomplished.
- We need to explore every possible avenue.
Precious – Something valued and appreciated beyond most things.
- We cannot afford to waste precious time.
Proficient – Able to do something well, like a pro.
- He’s proficient at his job.
Positive Verbs that Start with P
Verbs are action words and tell what’s being done in a sentence. Positive verbs are a great way to make your words do something positive!
Pacify – To calm someone who is upset.
- He tried to pacify the mob.
Pamper – To take care of and spoil someone.
- They pamper themselves after a hard day at work.
Participate – To take part in an activity.
- You may well participate with us in our gains.
Peak – To reach the very best something can be.
- She’s at the peak of her career.
Persevere – To keep going, even when things are hard.
- If you persevere with the work, you’ll succeed in the end.
Please – To make happy.
- I’d like a cup of coffee, please.
Praise – To give compliments and other good feedback.
- This guy is worth of our praise.
Produce – To make.
- This is all locally grown produce.
Project – To speak or show in a way that carries a long way.
- The project was more or less a success.
Promote – To advertise for or encourage people to take part in a thing.
- We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.
Prosper – To do well, generally in life.
- The high street banks continue to prosper.
Purify – To remove any dirt or imperfections.
- They prayed to God to purify them.
Positive Nouns that Start with P
Nouns are people, places, and things. Positive nouns are a great way to be sure you’re talking about something positive!
Pact – An agreement like a promise, but usually more formal.
- He made a pact with the devil.
Pair – Two things that go well together. Can refer to anything from socks to people.
- I’ve got a pair of aces.
Paradise – A place that has a lot of desired things, is calming, peaceful, and perfect.
- They all expected to go to paradise.
Paragon – A person who is considered an example of a particular good trait.
- She was certainly no paragon of virtue!
Pardon – Forgiveness, in a deliberate way.
- Pardon me – I didn’t hear what you said.
Passion – Excitement and a depth of emotion.
- He spoke with great passion.
Patience – An ability to be calm and kind despite trying situations.
- He doesn’t have the patience to wait.
Poise – Grace and elegance.
- His performance was full of maturity and poise.
Potential – What people are capable of.
- The potential savings are enormous.
Power – Ability to succeed or produce.
- Dragon is regarded as a symbol of power.
Prize – An award for winning a contest of skill or luck.
- His picture of cows won a prize.
Professional – A person who focuses on their job and its requirements.
- The best professional musicians start young.
Positive Words That Start With P to Describe a Person
When giving details regarding the person, it is essential to remember their positive attributes. Hence it is true to say that words starting with P expresses the person in a positive yet optimistic way. Below is the list of words starting with P to describe a person positively.
1. Pally
- Definition: a close relationship
- Synonyms: friendly, affectionate
- Example: I see you are getting quite pally with Carlos.
2. Passionate
- Definition: to have strong emotions and feelings.
- Synonyms: intense, impassioned, ardent
- Example: The novelist characterizes his heroine as capricious and passionate.
3. Playful
- Definition: fond of games and amusement; light-hearted
- Synonyms: frisky, jolly, lively
- Example: You are certainly in a playful mood!
4. Perfect
- Definition: having all the desirable qualities and characteristics
- Synonyms: ideal, model, flawless
- Example: His teeth looked too perfect to be real.
5. Peaceful
- Definition: free from disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquil, calm, restful
- Example: Her peaceful nature was enough to resolve any conflict.
6. Patient
- Definition: having tolerance
- Synonyms: forbearing, uncomplaining
- Example: The doctor was extremely patient with his staff.
7. Plump
- Definition: having a full rounded shape
- Synonyms: chubby, fat
- Example: A plump little boy walked along the pathway.
8. Positive
- Definition: optimistic
- Synonyms: constructive, productive
- Example: She made very positive noises at the interview about me getting the job.
9. Polite
- Definition: having behavior that is respectful and considerate of other people
- Synonyms: well mannered, civil, courteous
- Example: They thought she was wrong but were too polite to say so.
10. Pleasant
- Definition: friendly and considerate
- Synonyms: agreeable, amiable
- Example: They found him pleasant and cooperative.
Positive Words That Start with P to Encourage Yourself
Motivation is essential to make your life going in a flow and keeping it on track; hence, take a look at these good words that start with P.
1. Peachy
- Definition: very satisfactory; fine
- Synonyms: calm
- Example: Everything in her life is just peachy.
2. Peerless
- Definition: having no equal or peer
- Synonyms: matchless, unparalleled
- Example: Our army is peerless, winning every war.
3. Peppy
- Definition: characterized by high spirits and energy
- Synonyms: cheerful, vigorous
- Example: Her character is peppy and friendly in a way seldom seen in reality.
4. Perceptive
- Definition: having ability and keenness of perception and understanding
- Synonyms: insightful, responsive
- Example: It was very perceptive of you to notice that.
5. Perky
- Definition: characterized by lightheartedness and liveliness
- Synonyms: jaunty, sprightly, firm
- Example: Her step father is one of those too perky cheerful people.
6. Permissive
- Definition: granting permission
- Synonyms: broad-minded, liberal
- Example: He claims that society has been far too permissive towards drug taking.
7. Permanent
- Definition: lasting without marked change in condition.
- Synonyms: enduring, continuing
- Example: To them, its permanent like this tattoo.
8. Personable
- Definition: pleasing in appearance or personality
- Synonyms: attractive, presentable
- Example: He is a personable young man.
9. Perspicuous
- Definition: easily understandable
- Synonyms: clear, lucid
- Example: The audience had no problem understanding the presenter’s perspicuous speech.
10. Pert
- Definition: high-spirited
- Synonyms: lively, brisk, smart, bold
- Example: Angie gave him one of her pert little glances.
Positive Words that Start with P to Compliment Others
As a matter of fact, your words can really cheer people up and bring smile on their faces. Therefore, below are some nice words that start with P used to make others feel worthy.
- Prized
- Definition: valuable
- Synonyms: precious
- Example: Within weeks, he became a prized scalp.
- Philanthropic
- Definition: charitable
- Synonyms: generous
- Example: As a man he was loyal, affectionate, philanthropic and entirely estimable.
- Placid
- Definition: not easily upset or excited
- Synonyms: calm, even-tempered, equable
- Example: He had a placid nature.
- Polished
- Definition: someone who shows confidence and knows how to behave socially
- Synonyms: confident, well-behaved
- Example: He is polished, charming, articulate and an excellent negotiator.
- Popular
- Definition: being liked by many
- Synonyms: favored, admired
- Example: Mary is popular among the students.
- Praiseworthy
- Definition: having behavior that deserves approval
- Synonyms: commendable, laudable, admirable
- Example: His aim is honorable and praiseworthy.
- Precious
- Definition: important
- Synonyms: valuable, costly, high-prized
- Example: His children are very precious to him.
- Pretty
- Definition: visually attractive
- Synonyms: lovely, appealing, charming
- Example: The smile of the pretty woman are the tears of the purse.
- Priceless
- Definition: too important to place a value on
- Synonyms: invaluable, beyond price
- Example: She loved dressing up and wearing priceless jewels.
- Pure
- Definition: without faults
- Synonyms: unmixed, unblended
- Example: His dress is pure silk.
Positive Words that Start with P to Help Through Difficulties
People often face depression during their difficult times. In order to get away with it, these encouraging words that start with P can help you throughout.
- Patience
- Definition: capacity to accept and tolerate
- Synonyms: forbearance, tolerance
- Example: You can find bargains if you have the patience to sift through the rubbish.
- Peak
- Definition: the highest point or ability
- Synonyms: ultimate, top, greatest
- Example: She is at the peak of her career.
- Pep
- Definition: high spirits; liveliness
- Synonyms: energy, dynamism
- Example: A good night sleep will pep you up.
- Prime
- Definition: most important
- Synonyms: best, main, central
- Example: Her prime motive was personal ambition.
- Purr
- Definition: soft satisfied sound
- Synonyms: hum, chirr
- Example: It did not purr like a cat but growled.
- Pacify
- Definition: to calm or satisfy
- Synonyms: placate, appease
- Example: He had to pacify angry spectators.
7. Pardon
- Definition: forgiveness
- Synonyms: absolve, forgiveness
- Example: He obtained pardon for his sins.
8. Patron
- Definition: a supporter
- Synonyms: sponsor, fan, leader
- Example: If you have a patron who orders an alcoholic beverage, please ask to see his identification.
9. Prodigy
- Definition: a very talented young person
- Synonyms: wunderkind, genius
- Example: She was a child prodigy on the violin.
- Pacifist
- Definition: a peace-loving person
- Synonyms: peacemaker, passive resister
- Example: She was a committed pacifist all her life.
Positive Words That Start with P to Uplift Our Mind
It is natural to feel low sometimes. Such days can be really challenging, hence, motivational words that start with P can really uplift your mood and can be a game changer.
- Peace
- Definition: freedom form disturbance
- Synonyms: tranquility, calmness
- Example: He just wanted to drink a few bears in peace.
- Perfection
- Definition: the state or quality of being perfect
- Synonyms: excellence, flawlessness
- Example: I am told that she is perfection itself.
- Perseverance
- Definition: doing something despite difficulty
- Synonyms: tenacity, determination
- Example: His perseverance with the technique illustrates his single mindedness.
- Persistence
- Definition: the fact of continuing in an opinion in spite of difficulty
- Synonyms: resolve, resolution
- Example: Cardiff’s persistence was rewarded with a try.
- Possibility
- Definition: the state or fact being possible; likelihood
- Synonyms: feasibility, practicability, chances
- Example: Relegation remains a distinct possibility.
- Power
- Definition: ability to do something or act in a particular way
- Synonyms: capacity, potential
- Example: I promised I would do anything in my power to not let that happen.
- Preparation
- Definition: process of preparing
- Synonyms: devising, construction
- Example: He is making preparations for a trip.
- Pressure
- Definition: use of persuasion to make someone do something
- Synonyms: coercion, force, compulsion
- Example: Backbenchers put pressure on the government to provide safeguards.
- Pride
- Definition: feeling of deep pleasure
- Synonyms: joy, delight, gratification
- Example: The team was bursting with pride after recording a sensational victory.
- Prosperity
- Definition: the state of being prosperous
- Synonyms: wealth, success
- Example: When Jake reached his goal of prosperity, he realized he had neglected his family for his professional achievement.
List of Positive Words That Start with P to Keep Us Stay Positive
Positivity pushed a person to be on the right track, thus, below mentioned are some positive words that start with P.
- Pain-free
- Definition: not causing pain
- Synonyms: painless
- Example: Getting into good work habits now can ensure a lifetime of pain-free typing.
- Painless
- Definition: involving little effort or stress
- Synonyms: easy, trouble-free, effortless
- Example: It is true to say that airplane is a painless way to travel.
- Painstaking
- Definition: done with or employing great care
- Synonyms: careful, meticulous
- Example: The work has been done with painstaking attention to deal.
- Pal
- Definition: a friend
- Synonyms: companion, comrade
- Example: We have been pals for a long time.
- Paradise
- Definition: an ideal place or state
- Synonyms: heaven, promised land
- Example: The surrounding countryside is a walker’s paradise.
- Partner
- Definition: pair of people engaged together in a same activity
- Synonyms: ally, associate
- Example: Arrange the children in pairs so that each person has a partner.
- Paternal
- Definition: related through the father
- Synonyms: patrilineal, patrimonial
- Example: His father and paternal grandfather were porcelain painters.
- Patriotic
- Definition: expressing devotion for one’s country
- Synonyms: nationalist, loyalist
- Example: Today’s game will be played before a fiercely patriotic crowd.
- Patronize
- Definition: treat in a way that is helpful but betrays a feeling of superiority
- Synonyms: treat condescendingly
- Example: She was determined not to be put down or patronized.
- Peerless
- Definition: unequalled
- Synonyms: incomparable, matchless
- Example: He is indeed a peerless cartoonist.
Commonly Used Positive Words That Start with P
There are number of words that we use commonly and these positive words that start with P which you can use.
- Painter
- Definition: an artist who paint pictures
- Synonyms: interior decorator
- Example: He is a painter in water colors.
- Palm
- Definition: a leaf of tree awarded as a prize
- Synonyms: trophy, award
- Example: The consensus was that the palm should go to Deorner.
- Parade
- Definition: group of people marching in ceremony
- Synonyms: procession, march
- Example: The crowd cheered as the parade began.
- Parallel
- Definition: side by side
- Synonyms: aligned, collateral
- Example: Parallel lines never meet.
- Parent
- Definition: person’s father or mother
- Synonyms: biological parents
- Example: The parents of the child seemed to be strict.
- Participate
- Definition: take part in an action
- Synonyms: engage, join
- Example: It is said that thousands have to participate in a nationwide strike.
- Party
- Definition: social gathering
- Synonyms: celebration, reunion
- Example: We had so much fun at the party.
- Passage
- Definition: process of moving through
- Synonyms: transit, progress, passing
- Example: There were moorings for boats wanting passage through the lock.
- Paste
- Definition: a thick soft substance produced by mixing
- Synonyms: puree, mixture
- Example: You need to now blend onions, sugar and oil to a paste.
- Path
- Definition: track for walking
- Synonyms: footpath, pathway
- Example: The path continues alongside the river for half a mile.
Positive Words That Start with P for Attractive Resumes
Making resumes can be difficult a task but it truly depends on the capability of the person of how with the use of just words they can impress others around them. Positive words start with P will help you be a strong candidate.
- Pizzazz
- Definition: an attractive combination of vitality and glamour.
- Synonyms: attractive
- Example: At my previous job, I designed a summer collection with pizzazz.
- Philosophical
- Definition: relating to philosophy
- Synonyms: thoughtful, rational
- Example: His philosophical writings are imbued with religious belief.
- Pithy
- Definition: terse and vigorously expressive
- Synonyms: meaningful, concise
- Example: As usual my questions will be brief and pithy.
- Piquant
- Definition: pleasing or stimulating to the taste or mind
- Synonyms: attractive, charming, interesting
- Example: More piquant details of his life were mentioned in the document.
- Plausible
- Definition: apparently or seemingly valid
- Synonyms: acceptable, credible
- Example: She could find no plausible explanation for its disappearance.
- Plenary
- Definition: full or complete in all respects
- Synonyms: fully attended, entire, absolute
- Example: The groups reported back in plenary session at the end of the lesson.
- Plenteous
- Definition: abundant; rich
- Synonyms: productive, fruitful
- Example: Hardworking proves plenteous in your crucial time.
- Plentiful
- Definition: existing in great quantity
- Synonyms: copious, ample
- Example: His plentiful qualities were enough to impress the boss.
- Pliable
- Definition: easily shaped or bent
- Synonyms: adaptable, flexible
- Example: Quality leather is pliable and will not crack
10. Plummy
- Definition: exceedingly rich and mellow
- Synonyms: advantageous, profitable
- Example: Her plummy singing voice was enough to make the crowd stand up in the honor.