Positive Words

List of Positive Words That Start With J [2024]

List of Positive Words That Start With J

Here is the list of more than sixty (60) positive words that start with J.

Jesus Job Justice
Jamboree Jammy Jaunt
Jaunty Jaw-dropping Jake
Jazzy Je ne sais quoi Jehovah
Jest Jackpot Jet set
Jeu d’esprit Jeunesse doree Jewell
Jim-dandy Jo Jam
Jock Jockey Jocose
Jocular Jocund Joie de vivre
Join Joke Jokey
Jollification Jollily Jollity
Jolly Josh Joss
Jouissance Jovial Joy
Joyful Joyfully Joyous
Joyously Joyride Jubilant
Jubilantly Jubilate Jubilation
Jubilee Judicious Juicy
Jumble sale Jump-up Junoesque
Just Jazz Justly


List of Positive Words that Start with J


  • Jaunty
  • Jocular
  • Jolly
  • Jovial
  • Joyful
  • Jubilant
  • Judicious
  • Juicy
  • Just
  • Justified


  • Jaw
  • Jazz
  • Jest
  • Jibe
  • Join
  • Josh
  • Journal
  • Jumpstart
  • Juxtapose


  • Jamboree
  • Jewel
  • Jiffy
  • Jig
  • Jingle
  • Joke
  • Journey
  • Joy
  • Jubilee

Positive Adjectives that Start with J

Adjectives are words that describe or modify nouns, which are people, places, and things. Positive adjectives are a great way to color your wording in a positive light!


  • Meaning: Something that looks cheerful and confident.
  • ExampleCharacters sing jaunty ragtime and barbershop melodies.


  • Meaning: Someone who likes joking frequently.
  • ExampleMichael was in a very jocular mood at the party.


  • Meaning: Happy, cheerful.
  • ExampleShe was a jolly, kindhearted woman.


  • Meaning: A happy, friendly manner.
  • ExampleFather Whittaker appeared to be in a jovial mood.


  • Meaning: Being very happy. Generally includes expressing that happiness.
  • ExampleLiverpool were in a jubilant mood after their cup victory.


  • Meaning: Plenty of good judgment or common sense.
  • ExampleYou have to be very judicious about how you spend the taxpayers’ money.


  • Meaning: Having a lot of juice or being very moist, both considered positive for most food. Also, can mean very interesting when referring to talk.
  • ExampleThe pineapple was sweet and juicy.


  • Meaning: Fair, balanced
  • ExampleThis is just! don’t talk to much about it.


  • Meaning: Something that’s been earned or that is fitting.
  • ExampleIs he justified in all his actions?

Positive Verbs that Start with J

Verbs are action words. They tell what something is doing (even if it’s as simple as existing!). Choosing positive verbs is a great way to make your sentence do something positive.


  • Meaning: To talk (outdated or sometimes ironic). To jaw is sometimes similar to “to chew the fat.”
  • ExampleTo gossip: to natter, to prattle, to chatter, to tittle-tattle, to jabber, to jaw.


  • Meaning: Informally, to make something fancier.
  • ExampleDo you want to jazz up your old products?


  • Meaning: To joke, or to say something without being entirely serious.
  • Example: Don’t jest about such important matters!


  • Meaning: To get along, generally in an automatic sort of way.
  • ExampleHis report did not jibe with the facts.


  • Meaning: To come together with or to connect.
  • ExampleThe two rivers mingle their waters when they join.


  • Meaning: Informal. To joke or play around.
  • ExampleJohn-Augustus tried to josh himself into accepting that his own bout was no more than that.


  • Meaning: To write down thoughts, experiences, and ideas.
  • ExampleQuotation from Internet literature has become an insuppressible and booming existence for all the problems in its application to journal papers.


  • Meaning: To give a bit of an advantage at the beginning, or something that helps get the first part of a task done quickly.
  • ExampleHe was huddled with John trying to jumpstart his car.


  • Meaning: To set things next to each other for comparison or to achieve a specific effect.
  • ExampleWe tried to juxtapose the sculptures to give the best effect.

Positive Nouns that Start with J

Nouns are people, places, and things. When your noun is positive, so is your subject!


  • Meaning: A large, festive celebration.
  • Example: Unfortunately, we can’t go to the jamboree.


  • Meaning: Literally, a gem. Figuratively, the best, most spectacular part of a thing.
  • ExampleHealth is a jewel [treasure].


  • Meaning: A vague measure of time that means quickly before you know it.
  • ExampleShe conjured up a whole meal in a jiffy.


  • Meaning: A lively, bouncy dance.
  • ExampleYou didn’t just jig about by yourself, I mean you danced properly.


  • Meaning: A fun, light little tune.
  • ExampleJingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way.


  • Meaning: A statement, question, or action that is intended to make someone laugh or is not meant to be taken seriously.
  • ExampleHis cheerful joke made us forget our weariness.


  • Meaning: A trip. Often a big one, or movement toward a goal.
  • ExampleLife is like a journey with an unknown destination.


  • Meaning: Happiness
  • ExampleLove, joy, hate, fear and jealousy are all emotions.


  • Meaning: A party, usually to celebrate the anniversary of an event.
  • ExampleThe college celebrated its silver jubilee last year.


Jaculable fit or capable to be thrown.
Jake acceptable; satisfactory; adequate; suitable.
Jammy lucky; filled or covered with jam.
Jam-packed packed or filled tightly or to capacity; full of work, resources or money.
Jaunty stylish; dapper; brisk; natty; having a lively, cheerful, buoyant or self-confident air.
Jaw-dropping exceptionally good; amazing; causing great astonishment and surprise.
Jazzed excited; delighted.
Jazzy active; lively; flashy; fancy; showy.

Jessant emerging or springing up (usually plant or animal).
Jestful full of jokes; given to jesting.
Jesting sportive; playful; light-hearted.
Jewelled covered with jewels or beads.

Jiggish frisky; playful.
Jigjog having a jolting motion.
Jim-dandy excellent, fine or outstanding.
Jimp elegant; handsome; delicate; trim; neat.
Jobbing doing chance work or odd jobs.
Jocose merry; humorous; playful; jolly; given to jesting and jokes.
Jocoserious half serious; mixing mirth with seriousness.
Jocular merry; amusing; humorous; sportive; waggish.
Joculary sportive; jocular.
Joculatory sportive; droll.
Jocund showing or full of high-spirited and lighthearted merriment; jovial; exuberant.
Joint united; joined; combined; acting together.
Jointed articulated; having jointed segments or joints; formed with nodes or knots; knotty.
Jokey humorous or teasing; jocular.
Jolif jolly; joyful; merry; pleasant.
Jolly full of good humor and merry spirits; enjoyable; greatly pleasing; mirthful; cheerful.
Jovial characterized by good cheer and hearty conviviality; merry; hilarious; jolly; majestic.
Joyful feeling or causing delight; very glad; full of joy and happiness.
Joyous joyful; happy; glad; merry.
Joysome inspiring or causing gladness or joy.


Jubilant expressing joy or happiness; triumphant; exulting; full of delight.
Judicious exhibiting or having sound judgment; prudent; wise; discreet.
Juicy exciting; enticing; interesting; succulent; moist; lucrative; rewarding; gratifying; having strong sexual appeal and appearance.
Jump exact; precise; nice; fitting.
Junoesque characterized by stately beauty like the goddess Juno (especially of a woman).
Just suitable; proper; righteous; correct.
Justified morally right, deserved or valid.



Positive Words That Start With J:

In the below-mentioned list, you will find the various words of positive where every word will start with the alphabet J.

Jaw-dropping Joker Jauntly
Juggler Jaculable Judicious
Jocund Jokingly Job
Jollily Jeweled Just
Jocular Jovial Jape
Judiciously Jake Josh
Justified Join Jolif
Joged Jazz Judiciously
Jubilee Jigjig Jampacked
Justification Jocose Joculatory
Jewelled Jesting Jannock
Justifiable Jamming Joyously
Junoesque Jaunt Jockey
Jollification Justly Jolly
Jubilantly Jet Set Joyride
Jollity Jobbing Jigjog
Joyfully Jiggish Jubilant
Jazzed Jump-up Joyous
Jewel Jocosely Juvenescent
Jubilingo Jazzily Jewell
Jovially Joyful Jestful
Jesus Justice Jeez

Positive Adjectives That Start With J:

Jesting Jokey Joyous
Jocund Juicy Joyful
Junoesque Jaunty Jessant
Jobbing Justified Joculary
Jammy Jazzed Judicious

Positive Verbs That Start With J:

Jaunce Joke Jewel
Jest Jubilate Job
Jingle Jump Jockey

Positive Nouns That Start With J:

Jackpot Jester Jolie Laide
Jamboree Jet Set Jollity
Jaunt Jig Josh
Jeu D’esprit Jingle Josh
Joyride Jubilate Juggler

Positive Words That Start with J to Describe a Person

Sometimes it might be hard to describe a person as you cannot find the right words. These words starting with J will not only help you describe a person positively but also increase your vocabulary.

1. Jaunty

  • Definition: expressing cheer and self-assurance
  • Synonyms: cheerful, lively
  • Example: The jaunty music made everyone feel cheerful.

2. Jocular

  • Definition: something that is full of fun
  • Synonyms: funny, witty, comical
  • Example: Cheer up your mother by telling her a jocular story.

3. Jolly

  • Definition: to be happy and cheerful
  • Synonyms: cheerful, happy, cheery
  • Example: He was a jolly man who was full of jokes.

4. Jovial

  • Definition: to be cheerful and friendly
  • Synonyms: cheerful,  jolly, happy
  • Example: She was in a jovial mood.

5. Jubilant

  • Definition:  to show great elation or rejoicing
  • Synonyms: elated, euphoric, exuberant
  • Example: She was in a jubilant mood after the victory.

6. Judicious

  • Definition: to show sound or good judgment
  • Synonyms: cautious, prudent, careful
  • Example: She always made judicious decisions.

7. Just

  • Definition: to behave according to what is right
  • Synonyms: fair-minded, equitable
  • Example: I guess she just wanted to say goodbye.

8. Justified

  • Definition: to have done for a good reason
  • Synonyms: rationalize, defend, uphold
  • Example: She was quite justified in complaining.

9. Jocose

  • Definition: to be playful or joking
  • Synonyms: jest, joke, humorous
  • Example: His jocose manner was suitable for such an occasion.

Positive Words That Start with J to Encourage Yourself

It is important to encourage yourself in order to go through hard times. Reading these good words that start with j will definitely help to cheer you up after a tough day.

1. Jammy

  • Definition: to be lucky
  • Synonyms: charmed, lucky, fortunate
  • Example: He had jammy luck that never let him down.

2. Jest

  • Definition: a joke
  • Synonyms: taunt, jibe, joke, jeer
  • Example: Tony was not amused at the embarrassing jest made about him.

3. Jazz

  • Definition: a type of music with forceful rhythm
  • Synonyms: ragtime, boogie, jive
  • Example: He was able to overcome his situation by listening to jazz music.

4. Jewel

  • Definition: something of value
  • Synonyms: gem, precious stone, gemstone
  • Example: She was a jewel of a lady who encouraged me to be the person I am.

5. Joy

  • Definition: a feeling of delight or cheer
  • Synonyms: delight, pleasure, happiness
  • Example: He kept moving forward because of the joy his mom felt seeing him succeed.

6. Joke

  • Definition: something that causes laughter
  • Synonyms: jest, quip, pun
  • Example: He felt relaxed due to the jokes that his friends told.

7. Justice

  • Definition: to have a just behavior
  • Synonyms: fairness, equity, impartiality
  • Example: He knew that no matter what, justice will be served.

8. Joyfulness

  • Definition: to be in a state of being extremely happy
  • Synonyms: joyous, delighted, glad
  • Example: Her natural joyfulness of character made me have a positive mindset.

9. Jazzed

  • Definition: to be excited
  • Synonyms: excitement, enthusiastic
  • Example: It’s great to be in a place where people are jazzed about succeeding.

10. Jocularly

  • Definition: to make a joke in a happy way
  • Synonyms: waggish, jocular, facetious
  • Example: He jocularly delivered some remarks which touched many people’s hearts.

Positive Words That Start with J to Compliment Others

There are many nice words that start with J that you can use to not only compliment others but also yourself. Make sure to use the following words to compliment everyone around you.

1. Jim-dandy

  • Definition: to be excellent
  • Synonyms: fine, outstanding, excellent
  • Example: She was a jim-dandy woman, but she was different.

2. Jocund

  • Definition: to be cheery
  • Synonyms: cheerful, happy, jolly
  • Example: Their hearts were jocund by her extravagant speech.

3. Junoesque

  • Definition: to be tall and shapely
  • Synonyms: curvy, shapely
  • Example: She was such a Junoesque woman.

4. Juvenescent

  • Definition: to be youthful
  • Synonyms: young, youthful
  • Example: She looked as she drank a juvenescent elixir.

5. Jestful

  • Definition: to be given to jesting
  • Synonyms: joking, playful, sally
  • Example: It is a time for jestful greetings and serious talk about the diocese’s future.

6. Jesting

  • Definition: to say something for amusement
  • Synonyms: sportive; playful; light-hearted
  • Example: He was able to make a jesting commentary on world affairs.

7. Jiggish

  • Definition: to be playful
  • Synonyms: playful, frisky
  • Example: He was making the kids laugh by throwing the balls in a jiggish manner.

8. Jollity

  • Definition: to be joyful
  • Synonyms: jolly, merry, pleasant
  • Example: I love all the warmhearted jollity of the festivals she hosts.

9. Jokey

  • Definition: to be humorous
  • Synonyms: humorous, comical, laughable
  • Example: A brief exchange of jokey comments from her made him burst into laughter.

10. Joysome

  • Definition: to cause gladness
  • Synonyms: joyous, joyful
  • Example: She had a joysome cause for her to move forward.

Positive Words That Start with J to Help Through Difficulties

When we are going through hard times, reading encouraging words can actually help to boost our confidence. The following are some encouraging words that start with J that will definitely encourage you.

1. Joy

  • Definition: to have a feeling of great happiness
  • Synonyms: delight, joyfulness, jubilation
  • Example: He was flooded with joy when he read the poem.

2. Jittery

  • Definition: to jump or vibrate
  • Synonyms: excitable, fidgety, edgy
  • Example: Even though the stress made her jittery, she pushed through the tough times.

3. Jaunt

  • Definition: a short vacation or pleasure trip
  • Synonyms: trip, outing
  • Example: It was the jaunt with his family that made him forget all his difficulties.

4. Journaling

  • Definition: an act to express your deepest thoughts
  • Synonyms: scripting, writing
  • Example: The only escape for her from the problems was journaling.

5. Joyous

  • Definition: to  be full of joy
  • Synonyms: joyful, cheerful, happy
  • Example: The scenes of joyous celebration made her happy despite the problems.

6. Jumbo

  • Definition: extra huge
  • Synonyms: enormous, vast
  • Example: Bake a round cake and two jumbo cupcakes.

7. Job

  • Definition: a paid position of regular employment
  • Synonyms: appointment, position
  • Example: He got a job at last.

8. Jeez

  • Definition: an expression used to show surprise
  • Synonyms: surprised, shocked
  • Example: The mother said, “Jeez”, after the touching performance from him.

9. Jake

  • Definition: all right
  • Synonyms: satisfactory, fine
  • Example: Everything will be jake again once you overcome your fear.

10. Jumpy

  • Definition: to be tired
  • Synonyms: nervous, edgy, tense
  • Example: Don’t get jumpy in any difficult situation.

Positive Words That Start with J to Uplift Our Mind

It is very important to uplift our minds after a busy and stressful day. These motivational words that start with J got your back to escape from such a day.

1. Jaw-dropping

  • Definition: to cause great surprise
  • Synonyms: surprising, shocking
  • Example: The jaw-dropping performance from the singer uplifted the mood of many people.

2. Jester

  • Definition: one given to jest
  • Synonyms: comedian, jokestar
  • Example: He would dance with the jester for a while longer.

3. Jollily

  • Definition: to do something in a jolly manner
  • Synonyms: joyful, cheerful, exciting
  • Example: After receiving the happy news, she passed jollily along the street.

4. Jounce

  • Definition: to bounce
  • Synonyms: jolt, bounce
  • Example: Unexpectedly, the bus jounces as it hits a pothole.

5. Joyful

  • Definition: to express great pleasure
  • Synonyms: cheerful, happy, jolly
  • Example: The joyful music made everyone burst into happiness.

6. Joyride

  • Definition: a ride taken for pleasure
  • Synonyms: transit, transport, passage
  • Example: I took my mom’s car for a joyride so I could relax.

7. Jubilee

  • Definition: an anniversary of an event
  • Synonyms: anniversary,  commemoration, celebration
  • Example: A celebration was held in the club for their silver jubilee.

8. Jubilation

  • Definition: to have a feeling of great happiness
  • Synonyms: exaltation, triumph, joy
  • Example: The unbelievable scenes of the movie were the reason for your jubilation.

9. Jape

  • Definition: a practical joke
  • Synonyms: joke, pun, jest
  • Example: He said a childish jape of depositing a stink bomb in her locker.

10. Jig

  • Definition: to move with rapid jerky motion
  • Synonyms: skip, hop, prance
  • Example: He jigged in the cockpit because of the excellent news.

List of Positive Words That Start with J to Keep Us Stay Positive

Staying positive can be really hard in today’s where everyone is so self-centered. But these positive words that start with J will definitely give you the serotonin boost that you need.

1. Jocundity

  • Definition: a state of joyful exuberance
  • Synonyms: cheer, glee
  • Example: People look for jocundity, I just wanna know where it has gone.

2. Joking

  • Definition: to be humorous
  • Synonyms: humorous, flippant
  • Example: He talks in a joking manner that cheers everyone up.

3. Jiffy

  • Definition: in a very short time
  • Synonyms: shortly, directly, soon
  • Example: I will be back in a jiffy.

4. Justly

  • Definition: something that is morally right
  • Synonyms: justifiably legitimately, rightly
  • Example: He deals justly with all the complaints from the employees.

5. Justifiable

  • Definition: to be able to be shown to be right
  • Synonyms: valid, legitimate, warranted
  • Example: It is justifiable for her to be punished.

6. Jovially

  • Definition: to do something in a friendly way
  • Synonyms: jocularly, joyfully
  • Example: He jovially told his fan to love their performance.

7. Jocularity

  • Definition: the quality of being able to make jokes
  • Synonyms: jocular, jovial
  • Example: He is known for jocularity in her dealings with the seniors.

8. Jazzy

  • Definition: to be very active
  • Synonyms: lively, flashy, fancy, showy
  • Example: The jazzy quality of her voice helped her to succeed.

9. Justification

  • Definition: the action of showing something is right
  • Synonyms: premise, rational, just cause
  • Example: His therapist showed the parents the justification behind his action.

10. Journal

  • Definition: a daily record of news and events of a personal nature
  • Synonyms: diary, lig, logbook
  • Example: The journal I wrote while staying abroad helped me have a positive mindset the whole time.

Commonly Used Positive Words That Start With J

There are many commonly used positive words that start with J that you might not be aware of. So keep reading, and you will surely come across some new words.

1. Juiciness

  • Definition: richly interesting
  • Synonyms: interesting, fascinating
  • Example: The juiciness of the mystery novel made me addicted to it.

2. Juxtapose

  • Definition: to deal with close together for contrasting effect
  • Synonyms: mix, compare, contrast
  • Example: She thought it would be interesting to juxtapose black and white images and colored images.

3. Jaw

  • Definition:  talk or gossip, especially when lengthy or tedious
  • Synonyms: chat, talk, conversation
  • Example: Her work is just endless jaw as she is a reporter.

4. Juicy

  • Definition: something temptingly appealing
  • Synonyms: interesting, fascinating, sensational
  • Example: The juicy news of her new art spread much faster than any other news.

5. Joint

  • Definition: made by two or more people
  • Synonyms: join, shared
  • Example: The joint effort made by them helped the women suffering from domestic violence.

6. Jump

  • Definition: moving quickly
  • Synonyms: leap, spring, bounce
  • Example: She jumped to her feet as she heard the good news.

7. Joculator

  • Definition: a professional jester
  • Synonyms: joker, comedian, juggler
  • Example: He was able to make everyone entertained as he was a joculator.

8. Jocosity

  • Definition: the state of being jocose
  • Synonyms: joking, jesting
  • Example: He made fun of nepotism by jocosity and ironic style of writing.

9. Jocosely

  • Definition: to do something in a way that is humorous
  • Synonyms: humorous, jocose, joking
  • Example: She jocosely read the entire novel.

Positive Words That Start with J for Attractive Resumes

An attractive resume is key for getting your dream job. So how should you impress them with your resume? Well duh, use these positive words that start with J while writing your resume.

1. Jointed

  • Definition: having a joint or joints
  • Synonyms: knotty, articulated
  • Example: She bought her baby a jointed doll.

2. Jumpstart

  • Definition: to start something
  • Synonyms: rise, bound, skip
  • Example: I hope to have a jumpstart in the industry after being selected by the agency.

3. Join

  • Definition: to connect
  • Synonyms: link, unite, fix
  • Example: I would love to join your company.

4. Jointly

  • Definition: do something with another person
  • Synonyms: together, cooperatively, mutually
  • Example:I will jointly work with the team members to run the company.

5. Juvenescence

  • Definition: the state of being young
  • Synonyms: boyhood, prime, youthfulness
  • Example: I believe that the strongest individuals are those who have been claimed to be juvenescence.

6. Judicial

  • Definition: to be appropriate to a law court
  • Synonyms: legal, judiciary
  • Example: I hope to receive a response from you after judicial review.

7. Justify

  • Definition: to prove to be right
  • Synonyms: explain, rationalize, uphold
  • Example: I will make sure to justify your decision if I am appointed fully.

8. Journalism

  • Definition: the profession of writing for newspapers
  • Synonyms: press, reporting, writing
  • Example: I have received the world of excellence for journalism.

9. Jibe

  • Definition: to be in accord
  • Synonyms: taunt, sneer, jeer
  • Example: I am confident I will not do anything to jibe with the image of your company.

10. Journey

  • Definition: to travel somewhere
  • Synonyms: travel, go, voyage
  • Example: In this amazing journey of succeeding in my career, I hope to build up my professionalism through working here.


Sarah Johnson

I am a Full-Stack digital marketer and SEO specialist. Since 2015, I working on business and internet marketing. I provide result-oriented digital marketing services including SEO, PPC, Social Media, Performance Marketing, eCommerce, Content Creation, Website Design, and Development. I have expertise in technical SEO, On-Page SEO, Link Building, Keyword Research, Market Analysis.

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